Sunday, May 12, 2019

How Surya Namaskar Benefits Your Health

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How Surya Namaskar Benefits Your Health

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Surya Namaskar literally translates to “bowing to the sun.” It is a combination of 12 yoga asanas, where the body, mind, and soul are brought into complete synchrony. They are done in sets, some do 12, some 15, while some 30 depending on their endurance. Scientifically too, there are multiple benefits from Surya namaskar. Read on to know the most prominent ones.
Stretching and flexibility

The 12 asanas which are part of the Surya Namaskar ensure that every part of the body is exercise. The flexibility that comes with it is to be experienced to be believed. This is extremely beneficial for the bones, joints, and ligaments of the entire body and spine.

Improves internal organ functioning

The various stretching improves blood flow to the organs and improves their functioning. The result is a better functioning digestive system and kidneys, which help in better absorption of nutrients from food and thorough elimination of metabolic wastes. Detox happens naturally, with the release of trapped gasses and improved enzymesecretion.

Weight loss

One of the best-proven ways to lose weight is to do the 12 asanas regularly on a daily basis. It is a perfect workout involving the complete body and is great for losing weight around the belly. It also is proven to improve the thyroid gland functioning, which plays a significant role in metabolism and leads to weight gain.

Bone health

Traditionally, it is done during the early morning hours, at sunrise, which ensures the body gets the required amount of vitamin D. This is essential for good bone health.
Stress buster

Stress release happens in multiple ways. Deep focused breathing is one of them. During the asanas, control over breathing is very essential and so stress control is ensured. Various muscles and bones get tense with stress, and thorough stretching helps relieve the stress buildup. The mind is also calmed during the workout, and so stress relief is further enhanced.

Cure for insomnia

People who are not able to sleep should do Surya Namaskar on a regular basis and ensure sound sleep regularly. Both stress relief and the perfect workout ensures good sleep is guaranteed.

Helpful in menstrual cycles

Women who have cramps during their menstrual cycles have shown very good improvement with the inclusion of this exercise. It also is shown to benefit people with irregular menstruationvia the improved circulation. Pregnant women doing Surya Namaskars are more likely to have a normal delivery.

Glowing Skin

With the release of toxins and stress, a glowing skin is but natural.
    This is not all; try the Surya Namaskar and see for yourself.

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    Health ,Surya Namashkar , Skin,Stress,Healthy iving,Mind,Self,Psychology,Optimize
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    How Air We Breathe Becomes Death

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    When Air Becomes Death

    The Process of Breathing Starts at birth and continues until death. We breathe around 25,000 times every day, Inhaling 10,000 or more times of air everyday. It is a basic body function meant to sustain life. But today, breathing kills; it takes the lives of approximately seven million people every year globally. This is because of the presence of pollutants in the air, which are poison for our body and seriously damage our heath. Dr Maria Nehra, the World Health Organization's air pollutant director, has called it a "global health emergency". Ninety eight percent of India's children breathe air that is inferior to the WHO standards. Nearly 25 percent deaths in children under five are directly or indirectly related to air pollution.

    The key documented sources of air pollution are burning fossil fuels, Automobile exhaust,burning of garbage and landfills and all smoke-emitting industries, especially coal fixed power plans and dust from construction sides and roadsides.

    How Air Pollution Makes Us Sick

    Nervous System


    Under-development of cognitive abilities due to Neuro-inflammation.

    All Ages

    Neuro-inflammation and 5-10 times higher incidence of brain attacks (paralysis)


    Redness,Irritation, Watering, Infections.


    Irritation, Allergies,Sinusitis



    Cardivascular Systems


    Premature Hypertension

    All Ages

    Hypertension,5-10 times higher incidence of heart attacks.

    Respiratory System


    Under-Development of lung capacity.

    All Ages

    Cough, difficulty in breathing, chest pain and tightness,asthma,chest infections,pneumonia,chronic bronchitis (or chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases) lung cancer.

    Reproductive Systems

    Adverse Impact on reproductive systems including low sperm counts.


    The worse affected are children,elderly and pregnant women.


    Under-development of lungs and brain,pneumonia,cancers and premature deaths.

    Pregnant Women

    Congenital defects, low birth-weight babies, death of child during pregnancy,premature labour,problems after birth (carbon particles) have been demonstrated to be present in the placenta).


    Does wearing a mask help? Ordinarily masks made of cloth,etcetera do  not help. N95 or N99-grade mask works if worn snugly around the nose and mouth. It traps most of the PM, although gases still go through. However, it gives protection only on as long as it is worn and has other practical challenges. Thus, while it may serve as protection for shorter periods, it is definitely not a solution.

    The real solution lies in identifying the root cause and fixing the problem at the source. The sources essentially are smoke and dust. Thus anything that produces smoke and causes dust to be added to air is a cause of pollution and it's rectification is the problem. People are often looking for a quick fix solution to rectify the problem overnight, but unfortunately there is none.

    Burning of fossil fuels, along with garbage,remains the biggest source of smoke today, and a rapid decline and shift to cleaner renewable sources of energy are the long term answers to this malady. The time to act was yesterday but it is never to late.

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    How Do You Develop Confidence humor and maturity When You have Nothing To Be Confident About?

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    Hey Everyone!,

    How Do You Develop Confidence humor and maturity When You have Nothing To Be Confident About?

    stop taking yourself seriously. Learn to laugh more and smile more and have more fun. And that's it.

    The desire for confidence is the same as insecurity.insecurity most often comes from focusing on ourselves and not on external environment.why insecurity flows from focusing on ourselves, you will have solved the puzzle completely.

    Confidence cannot be boosted by technique.

    So instead, here are 6 insights about confidence that most people don't know:
    • Confidence is simply the absence of insecure thinking.
    • As such, confidence doesn’t actually exist (i.e. it’s the absence of something, not anything itself).
    • The desire for confidence      is the same as insecurity.
    • There’s nothing we can do to boost confidence, we can only see things in a different light.
    • When we focus inward (on ourselves and our abilities), we inevitably become insecure.
    • When we focus outward (on the task at hand, the person we are with instead of on ourselves), we are naturally confident people tend to mix actual feelings with observed behaviour s.Often we observe people acting with confidence which in truth is driven by very strong internal insecurity. Take for example aggression. When you acknowledge that an aggressive person is in fact insecured you will rather feel pity for him and not fear. This outside focus (on others not on yourself) will enable you to act which will be perceived as a confidence.insecurity most often comes from focusing on ourselves and not on external environment.When you figure out why insecurity flows from focusing on ourselves, you will have solved the puzzle completely.

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    Boost Your Confidence in 2 Minutes

     Boost Your Confidence in 2 Minutes

    Are you about to enter a stressful situation?

    Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy, has identified a way to increase confidence and alter your hormone profile in such situations. This can be done in just 2 minutes.
    The simple exercises help configure your brain to deal with any challenge you might face by re-configuring cortisol (stress hormone), and testosterone levels (+20%) when you're nervous or insecure.
    In Private
    Exercise 1: 

    Find a private and quiet place and really stretch yourself out. Make yourself as big as you can. Stand with your legs spread and hands rising high above your head (if possible for 2 minutes). The result: testosterone levels increase by 20% (scientifically proven), and cortisol levels drop.

    Exercise 2: 

    If you are sitting... lean back with your hands at the back of your head and place your legs on a desk or other high object.
    The most effective Power Poses are BIG ones, so make sure you stretch your body as much as possible when completing the exercises.

    In Public

    Tone down your postures when in public. You don't want to dominate everyone. Professor Cuddy recommends;
    ·Lifting your chin
    ·Standing straight and tall
    ·Resting your hands on the back of a chair
    ·Using open hand gestures

    The Power Posing Habit
    Start thinking more about your body and displaying confidence as often as possible. Open up... take up more space. As a result, your hormone levels will re-configure and you will feel more confident.
    Hope you enjoy reading this;)

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    Self Improvement,Development,Behavior,Optimize,Meditation,

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