Saturday, May 4, 2019

Meditate Today Everyday - How To Start A Meditation Habit?

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How To Start A Meditation Habit?

Einstein was asked how to grasp truth.
Most expected a reply long & sour, but he kept it short & sweet: “You don’t really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.”

How to Start a Meditation Habit  Explained Simply


Over the holidays my lovely grandma randomly asked, “Grandson, what exactly are you thinking about when you’re doin’ that meditation stuff?”
I wrapped my arm around my lovely mother’s mother.
“Granny,” I said, “while meditating, I’m not thinking at all . . . well, at least I try not to.”
My grandma shook her head. “Now baby, I may have been born yesterday, but I stayed up all night! Now, you gotta do better than that for ya ol’ granny, ya hear?”
I chuckled a bit before replying:


Meditation, you see, when stripped down to its DNA—free of all pageantry such as the cool Lotus Position and the even cooler yoga studios—boils down to the simplest thing of all: BEING
“Meditation” is nothing but a fancy word for being.
In fact, meditation is the simplest thing of all. …
Ahhh, but here’s the catch:
It is quite easy to simply BE something, but it is quite difficult to simply BE.
Ask any correction’s officer what’s the severest punishment he can hand down to an unruly prisoner, and the answer is astonishing . . . when you really think about it.
No need to get all Draconian and break out whips or make threats of guillotines. No, no. The severest punishment in prison simply calls for, chew on this: sending the defiant inmate to the Hole.
After all, the penal system reckons:
force any mortal to be alone with his or her own thoughts, and they’ll be scared straight by the real-life Boogieman!
The Delphic Oracle crowned 
Socrates “the wisest man in Athens.”
The Socratic One proudly wore the crown and declared:
Notice, if you will, the peculiar spelling of the word PREsent.
Given the term’s spelling, it’s no wonder the Latin root meaning of PREsent is praeesse (from prae ‘before’ + esse ‘be.’)
Being is in fact sent before the human experience itself. Hence meditation merely calls for reversing the process:
from human-being to being-human!
Of course, all this sounds good and fine, but it was a bit too abstract for grandma. So I simplified it by painting a concrete picture with words.
“Granny,” I said, “whenever referring to YOUR mind or YOUR body, notice you relate to it as a possession. … Right?”
She nodded slowly. “Well, I suppose I do say ‘MY body and ‘MY mind’.”
“Excellent,” I continued. “Now, picture Mrs. Esther [her friend] seeing you get out of your car.”
She nodded “Now, what if she were to say, ‘Nannie [grandma’s name], that red paint job on you sure looks pretty, Honey! And oh, those legs for tires of yours—”
Before I could finish she chimed in, “Now boy, cut out the non-sense!”
“And that’s my point, Granny!” I laughed. “It’s non-sense to identify Being, our true nature, with the mind or the body, our possessions. … You follow me?”
Ahhh: my grandmother understands meditation!


Look down at your hands or look straight into a mirror . . . go ahead . . . that bag of skin made of flesh and bones can’t possibly be your real Self.
Don’t believe me. Close your eyes, then (the “windows” to your soul).
Poof! That bag of flesh and bones glimpsed outside those orbital windows have all disappeared. Yet you–the Soul . . . the Self that peeks through those windows–remain.
And so, while the outside world disappears with the shutting of eyelids, the world inside remains.
In this inner world: YOU are the lone resident.

And now, without further ado, here lies the BEST and ONLY meditation therewas, is and will ever be. …
This habitual meditative practice I call simply: RESIDE in the ATTENDANT:
   Step 1: Find a Quiet Place.

Now, once comfortably seated, close your eyes. With your bodily eyes shut and your mental eye opened, choose a one-word mantra to recite.

Step 2: Choose Whatever Word You Like, e.g, Love or Faith or Peace …

Now, repeat that one-word-mantra 10 times both with your inner-voice and inner-sight. In other words, picture the word each time coupled with sub-vocalizing it. Love, Love, Love . . .
In the course of your repetition, the “Monkey Mind” is sure to swing your attention to various thoughts—of past and future. That’s okay! Just gently guide your attention back to the exercise.

Final step: Keep Repeating the Mantra. Do it Until You Successfully Reach the Count of 10.

Finished …?
(For maximum results, it’s crucial you don’t skip this step.)
Ahhh, but are you sure you were actually successful in carrying out the exercise?
How would you know?
Wasn’t your mind and attention fixated on repeating the mantra?
The mind, after all, as psychologists note, is incapable of entertaining more than ONE thought at a time.
And so, well, if your mind was preoccupied, then how would YOU know about your involvement in the exercise?
Who or What was watching the mantra flash across your mental screen?
Who or What heard the mantra repeated in your third ear?
Who or What was the Silent Witness …?
Please . . . if you don’t mind . . . explain to me how YOU could’ve been simultaneously playing on the court and watching the mantra-match?
Unless . . . dare I say, you’re suggesting while your mind was separately busy smacking your thoughts back and forth—YOU, on the other hand, were simply the . . . WATCHER?
Say it ain’t so?
That’s the answer to the riddle of the Sphinx, friend.

YOU are the Silent Witness before which all such happenings on the world’s stage occur.
YOU—the Soul—are the The Attendant to which the faculty of attention is attributed. After all, attention simply means “to attend,” and all such attending presupposes an attendant.
That thou art.
Use the Socratic Method to uproot the true meaning of GENIUS . . . lo and behold:
the original meaning of genius is Latin: ‘ATTENDANT spirit present from one's birth, innate ability or inclination’.
Now you know how the self-taught mathematician Ramanujan, while absorbed in Samādhi சமாதி . . . formulated his sublime theorems.
Reminisce over every experience of your life and—tada!—YOU, The Attendant or Self or Soul, are always PREsent!
(Remember: pre + sent to experience.)
It is the attention faculty, then, which serves as the key to unlocking The Attendant (Soul, Selfआत्मा, etc.).
Hence the saying:
Think back to your elementary days when the teacher did “roll call.”
The teacher paced the aisles and called out names. …
And what does each student answer?
In short, throughout the day, make it a habit of bringing your attention back to its root, aka Reside in the Attendant.
When that Monkey Mind gets to swinging on vines made of anxiety and fear(False Evidence Appearing Real), resort back to Residing in the Attendant.
You’re not what you notice, but you are the noticer of what you notice!
Meditation is just a fancy word for residing in The Attendant, aka pure being.
Reside in the Attendant! Here lies your refuge whenever confronted by life’s storms.
Whenever you feel doubt and worry creeping back into your consciousness—to again ensnare The Attendant—whisper to yourself: “Hey, stay HERE and NOW!”
After all:
Each time you feel the onset of trouble or annoyance. Reeelax!
Pause the flow of life’s events with the mantra—“Hey, stay HERE and NOW!”
Here lies your habitual mediation. . . hour on the hour: “Hey, stay HERE and NOW!”
The Bhagavad Gita best sums up the Secret of the Ages:
A person in the divine consciousness, although engaged in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving about, sleeping, and breathing, always knows within himself that he actually does nothing at all. Because while speaking, evacuating, receiving, opening or closing his eyes, he always knows that only the material senses are engaged with their objects and that he is aloof from them.

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Bye for Know,


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WHO Knew?

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Tiruvarppu Krishna Temple

*This is the most unusual Temple in the world*

*It is open 23.58 x 7 a day*



This Temple is situated in *Thiruvarppu* in kottayam district, Kerala at least 1500 years old temple. 

Lord Krishna  here is always hungry. 
So all the 23.58 hours, 365 days the temple is open. 

The temple is closed for only 2 minutes. 
From 11.58 pm to 12.00 am.

Another peculiarity of this temple is that, the priest is given an AXE as well as the key to open the door in the early hours( only 2 minute closed). 

People believe that  Krishna cannot tolerate hunger and so if there is any delay in opening the door with the key, the priest is permitted to break open the door with an axe. 

People believe that Lord Krishna's idol in the Temple is of the very exhausted Krishna after he killed Kamsa. 

So, after the Abhishekam is over, the lord's head is first dried, the naivedyam offered to him and then only his body is dried. 

There are 10 times Naivedhya pooja. 
Another peculiarity of this Temple is that even during Eclipse times, the Temple is not closed. 

People believe that this God Krishna would become hungry. 

It seems once, the temple was closed during eclipse. When they reopened the door they found that the waist belt of the lord has slipped down. 

Sri Adi Shankaracharya who came at that time told that it was because of God Krishna became very hungry. 

From then on, they stopped closing the during Eclipse times also. 

God Krishna Sleeping time is daily 11.58 pm to 12.00 am. Only 2 minutes. 

No devotees is allowed to leave without consuming Prasadam. 

Everyday 11.57 pm ( before closing the temple) the priest calls out loudly  *IS THERE  ANYBODY HERE WHO IS HUNGRY*? " 

This is to ensure the all devotees partake in Prasadam. 

Another important thing is once you taste the Prasadam, you will not be hungry and life time you will not have any problem getting food. 

Lord Krishna is taking care of all devotees who pray here and take prasadam. 

The Temple's address is,

Tiruvarppu Krishna Temple, Tiruvarppu-686020 

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Hot Summers - Know What To Eat And Avoid To Be Healthy!

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Hot Summers - Know What To Eat And Avoid To Be Healthy!

  Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

  Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

  Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

  Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

There are few things more exhausting or more irritating

than the four-month-long Indian summer. With soaring temperatures and the sun raging outside, mangoes and lychees don't seem like much of a silver lining.
So, here are 8 health hacks that will make your summer a little better:

1. Replace soft drinks with water-

When you are out on the streets or sweating at home, a sweet fizzy drink does seem tempting but try resisting and have a glass of sparkling water instead. The preservatives and chemicals in the soft drinks do nothing to help your metabolism, which is slowed down by dehydration. Add a bit of lemon juice if only water does not appeal to you.

2. Try yogurt instead of ice cream-
The primary difference between the two is that one contains cream and the other does not. Yogurt is lighter and has lesser fat content. Excess fat consumption during summer actually makes you sweat more.
3. Use honey instead of butter
Butter, like cream, has a heavy fat content and your metabolism (which is slower in summer to retain water in the body) takes longer to break fat down. So, ditch butter this summer and spread some honey on your crunchy breakfast toast.
4. Stock up on cucumber
Cucumber is an underrated blessing. You can munch on them anytime you like without worrying about calorie intake or stomach aches. Rubbing some cucumber on your skin can soothe sunburns and itches.
5. Aloe Vera can work wonders

You must have heard about the boon that aloe vera is when it comes to skincare. It is the best solution to nasty sunburns, especially aloe vera gel frozen in small Ziploc bags, can heal burns and prevent skin peeling and chaffing.

6. Lower the pH value of your skin
Application of citrus fruit juices like apples and lemons or vinegar can lower the pH value of our skin and prevent the multiplication of bacteria. This keeps both sweat and body odor away much more effectively than deodorants.
7. Make small sacrifices in terms of diet

Some of your favorite things like coffee, alcohol, spicy food, sugar and cigarettes are best consumed minimally in summer because they all aggravate the functioning of the apocrine glands and cause sweat and body odor. Other alternatives to soft fizzy drinks during this summer are Coconut water, Sugarcane juice and buttermilk. Not only do these drinks quench your thirst and keep you hydrated but they are extremely rich in minerals and vitamins which further help you maintain your electrolyte balance in the hot summers

8. Shower before you workout

One of the good things about summer might be that you have an excuse to skip work out. But, if you start with a cold shower or a swim, or keep a cold-wet towel around your neck, the workout can be surprisingly refreshing. You can do the same after your workout- it lowers the body temperature and cooling the muscles can heal soreness very quickly.

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