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Hey Everyone!,
Fear is a very crippling feeling, which you might have to go through at various situations of life. You might be scared of heights, darkness, and public speaking, even scared of being lonely. Fear is very difficult to overcome as it can debilitate you and render you useless. Even if you cannot be superhuman, you can at least aim to be someone who can confront his/her fear and render the fear useless.
How To Face It?
Here are a few tips on how you can confront your fear
You don’t need to conquer every fear you experience. A fear of tsunamis isn’t a big deal if you live 1000 miles away from the ocean. But it may be a problem if you live on the coast and you panic every time you hear about earthquakes, storms, or high tides because you think you might be in danger.
Have an internal conversation with yourself about what your fears are stopping you from doing, and consider if it’s a problem that you need to confront. Are your fears causing you to lead a less fulfilling life than the one you hoped for?
Consider the pros and cons of not facing your fear. Write those down. Then, identify the pros and cons of tackling your fears head-on. Write down what you might achieve or how your life might be different.
Reading over those lists can help you make a clearer decision about what to do next. If you decide to proceed, the best way to conquer a fear is to face your fears head-on. But, it’s important to do so in a healthy manner that helps you move past the fear rather than in a way that traumatizes you.
2. Identify the fear
This is a very important step as you need to figure out why you are scared or afraid. There has to be a specific reason behind every single fear that you have. Try to identify that reason. Delve deep into your memory and try figuring out what exactly evoked the fear. Once you know the reason, you will be able to understand the base of your fear, and you will find it easier to overcome.
2. Evaluate Risk Level
2. Evaluate Risk Level
Sometimes, a fear comes from simply not knowing very much about the thing you’re afraid of. For example, you might be afraid of airplanes because it seems like you have heard about a lot of in-air incidents that lead to injury or death.
However, if you look into the statistics, you might learn that the probability of death on a U.S. commercial jet airline is 1 in 7 million (in comparison to 1 in 600 from smoking).
You can also learn more about what causes those bumps and jolts during turbulence on an aircraft—it’s simply the movement of air having an effect on the aircraft and, if you’re buckled in properly, poses very little threat to you.
Of course, less tangible fears, such as being afraid of public speaking, don’t necessarily have statistics to help you learn more about the risks you face. But you can read about people’s successful public speaking ventures, or learn more about the successful public speaking strategies, to help you feel more confident.
Keep in mind that just because something feels scary, doesn’t mean it’s actually risky. Educate yourself about the facts and the risks you actually face by doing the things that scare you.
3. Create an Action Plan
The key to facing your fears is to take one small step at a time. Going too fast or doing something too scary before you are ready can backfire.
But it’s also important to keep moving forward. A moderate amount of anxiety is good. Don’t wait to take a step forward until your anxiety disappears.
The best way to create an action plan is to create a fear hierarchy made up of small steps. Here’s an example of how someone might face the fear of public speaking one step at a time using exposure therapy:
- Stand in front of a mirror and give a two-minute talk
- Record yourself giving a talk and watch it back
- Practice the talk in front of a spouse
- Practice the talk in front of a spouse and family member
- Practice the talk in front of a spouse, family member, and one friend
- Practice the talk in front of a spouse, family member, and two friends.
- Give the talk in a meeting at work
If you can’t actually do the thing that scares you to practice, you might use imagined exposure. For example, it’s difficult to practice flying on an airplane one step at a time.
But, you might be able to induce a little anxiety by imaging yourself getting on a plane. Think about how it would feel to take your seat and think about how you would handle feeling the plane take off.
You also might watch videos about airplanes or you might park your car near an airport in an area where you can watch flights land and take off. Learning more about planes and being near them may help ease your fear over time.
In some cases, virtual reality treatment may be an option to provide exposure therapy. The treatment has shown promise in treating PTSD.
4. Breathe
Breathing slowly and deeply actually helps. It calms your nerves and relaxes you. Short and shallow breaths can trigger panic and fear. If you breathe out longer than the time you take to breathe in, your body relaxes immediately. Try it; it actually works the best. Whenever you feel that you are panicking or that you are feeling afraid, take deep breaths. Concentrate on your breathing. Count till 7 when you breathe in and till 11 when you breathe out. You will be surprised to find out how quickly you have calmed down.
5. Get ready to be peaceful
If you start feeling anxious, nervous or afraid, breathe in and out. Then think of how you will get positive outcomes from the particular act you are being anxious about. If you have to go into a dark room to get something and you are afraid of darkness, just think how you will be able to get what you desire if only you step into the darkness for a fraction of second. This will help build your confidence and will slowly get you accustomed to moving on with your fear.
6.Control what you imagine
If you are afraid of something, whether tangible or not, your imaginations about it will run wild. You might start imagining stuff which are not even real or which might just ingrain your mind and establish the fear on solid ground. Hence it is high time you need to control your imagination. Imagination is a very unique gift if you want to create something beautiful, which will help encourage you. But if you start imagining how a spider will just grow in size and number and will fly towards you, then you have to put a lid on it.
Being afraid is common. Even the bravest people are afraid. Don't be embarrassed about that. Just face it and try to let go of it.
If you have a specific phobia, you may not be able to conquer your fears on your own. If your fears are debilitating, or you aren’t having much success facing them on your own, seek professional help.
A cognitive behavioral therapist can help desensitize you to your fears one small step at a time.
Most professionals are comfortable treating a variety of phobias ranging from the fear of spiders to the fear of blood.
If you have a trauma history that affects your fears, you should also consider getting professional help. Post-traumatic stress disorder can play a role in ongoing fears.
Treatment may involve talking about the thing that scares you, practicing relaxation strategies, and managing your anxiety as you face your fears head-on. A therapist, however, will help you go at a pace that is comfortable and healthy for you.
Hope you enjoyed reading this;)
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