Monday, August 26, 2019

Know And Learn More About The Health Perspective In Indias Traditions or Custom or Routines

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Hey Everyone!,

Know And Learn More About 

The Health Perspective 

In Indias Traditions 





While embracing the latest fitness fads, it's important to keep in mind that these customs routines have helped preserve the health of generations over centuries.

The past few years have seen increased health awareness in India. Today's urban Indians, especially, are not only better informed, but actively making the choice to embrace good health and fitness.

But ironically, for a country with diverse healing traditions, the thrust is often skewed in favour of patronising Western imports such as new-fangled diets or five-star gyms.

At the same time, some very traditional health-enhancing routines continue to be widely practiced too. Indian traditions are more like the first lessons which are taught by the elders of the house. These traditions are often followed without any doubts and questions. These traditions are not just followed for the sake of religious rituals but have deep-rooted scientific reasons associated with the same.

Some of the interpretations of these rituals are as follows:


When we greet someone or meet someone for the first time we join both our hands in for Namaste. This is done out of sheer respect for the person. Doing Namaste activates the acupuncture points of the fingertips and helps us to remember the person.


This is the practice of drinking water from a copper utensil. This helps in absorbing the extra heat of the body thereby maintaining the body temperature. The water should be kept overnight in the copper pot before drinking it. It is believed that drinking water from a copper pot helps in bowel movement, cleaning of the stomach and creating digestive juices.


When one sits on the floor with the crossed leg is referred to as sukhasan. On having food in this position the person has to bend and eat. When this happens the stomach is pushed while bending and the back is straight before taking the next bite. This movement leads to muscular movements thereby helping to produce digestive juices and aids in swallowing as well.


Vamakukshi is referred to as the afternoon nap post-lunch. Sleeping on the left side helps in the digestion of the food. Though prolonged sleep can make a person lazy, a quick 10 minutes nap is recommended as it allows a person to be fresh.


means taking 100 steps, to be more appropriate it is the walk after dinner. This helps in the digestion of food as the gas created after consuming food is moved and the pressure in the chest is reduced.

The above terms literally explain the famous praise, "After lunch sleep a while, after dinner walk a mile."

Ear Piercing

Though ear piercings are looked at as a fashion ornament but as per the Hindu traditions these help in decision making, thinking abilities and intellectual development, and also to some extent an acupressure point. It is ideal to get a baby's ear pierced by the 12th day of her birth, as it is believed that getting ears pierced early leads to acquiring the quality of minimal speech.

Touching Feet of Elders

This is known as one of the best exercises as it aids in blood circulation, helps in stretching and pushing the organs, improves excretion and digestion and strengthens the physique. It is also believed to transfer an aura and positive energy from the person whose feet are being touched.

Hope you enjoy reading this;)

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