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Hey Everyone!,
How Or Why Do You Benefit
From Drinking Water From
A Copper Vessel?
Drinking water that has been cleansed and ionized in a copper vessel is a common practice. In India, this transformed, therapeutic water taken from a copper cup is called Tamra jal.
Copper is found to have many intrinsic properties that are good for your health.
Copperized water is a natural antioxidant that helps balance the three doshas of the body (kapha, vata and pitta). The trace amount of copper in a Tamra jal is safe and healthful, even when added to other normal dietary sources of copper.
To illustrate this point, have you ever wondered why after drinking multiple glasses of water a day, you still feel thirsty and not energized?
In order to make drinking water safe, water treatment plants use basic filtration systems to remove most contaminants. These systems make water safe for drinking but they also destroy water’s vital life energy and drastically shift its natural pH. By the time your drinking water has been treated, traveled great distances through water pipes and gets into your glass, it has lost much of its vitality, tasting “dead”. As a result, the water we drink is not easily absorbed by our cells, leaving us wanting more. The Tamra™ recharges the vitality of your drinking water. It ionizes, energizes, and balances the pH, making the water “alive” again. This energized water is better absorbed by your cells and therefore enhances hydration.
Scientifically speaking, when water is stored in a copper vessel for over eight hours, very small quantities of copper get dissolved in this water. This process is called “oligodynamic effect” and has the ability to destroy a wide range of harmful microbes, molds, fungi etc. due to the toxic effect it has on living cells.
This positively charged water is extremely good for health. Even though sometimes it may taste a bit odd, it is worth noting that this water never becomes stale and can be stored for a long time.
It is highly beneficial to store water in a copper cup overnight and drink from it as soon as you wake up.
Some of the benefits of drinking from a copper cup are:
1) Aids digestive functions
Copper has inherent properties that help in the process of digestion. It stimulates the uniform contraction and relaxation of the stomach that eases digestion and helps the food move along the digestive tract. Moreover, it helps to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation in the stomach. Copper also contains properties that help cleanse and detoxify your stomach, aiding and regulating the function of the kidneys and liver.
2) Weight loss
Drinking water from a copper cup on a regular basis can help you shed weight. Copper helps in breaking down fat and also helps to eliminate it efficiently out of the body. Thus, it helps your body to keep whatever it requires and discards the rest.
3) Heals wounds
Copper is also known to possess antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to these properties, it serves to quickly heal both internal and external wounds, while strengthening your immune system.
4) Slows the aging process
The natural remedy for the fine lines on your face might be copper. Rich in anti-oxidants, it helps to fight free radicals, bringing about the formation of new cells. Regularly using copper cups can also give a radiant glow to your face.
5) Helps to prevent heart diseases and cancer
Copper is an effective remedy to prevent the risks of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. According to studies, copper has been found to regulate heart rate, blood pressure and also aids in drastically reducing a person's cholesterol level, leading to improved cardiovascular health. Certain studies have found that copper has anti-cancer effects but the exact mechanism for such a process is still unknown.
6)Brain function
7)Bone strength
Improves fertility
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Water,Copper Vessel,Weight Loss, Health, Digestive Disorders,
6)Brain function
Stimulates brain function. Our brain works by transmitting impulses from one neuron to another through an area known as the synapses. These neurons are covered by a sheath called the myelin sheath that acts like a sort of conductive agent – helping the flow of impulses. How does copper figure here you ask? Well, copper actually helps in the synthesis of phospholipids that are essential for the formation of these myelin sheaths. Thereby, making your brain work much faster and more efficiently. Apart from that copper is also known to have anti-convulsive properties (prevents seizures).
7)Bone strength
Boosts bone strength and Combats arthritis and joint pain.Copper has very potent anti-inflammatory properties. This asset is especially great to relieve aches and pains caused due to inflamed joints – like in the case of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Apart from that, copper also has bone and immune system strengthening properties, making it the perfect remedy for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Improves fertility
How to buy a copper vessel
If all its benefits have convinced you to try storing and drinking water from a copper vessel, here is a guide to buying the right kind of vessel.
It is important to buy vessels that are made of pure copper. Do not buy ones that have other metals mixed in it. Some of the commonest vessels made with copper are copper water jugs or a kalash. If buying a jug or kalash is too expensive for you, you can invest in a copper glass.
Once you have bought it, rinse it out with water and pour water into the vessel and cover it. You can use a steel or glass dish for this.
One very easy way to distinguish between pure copper and an adulterated version is to know that copper is a very soft metal and pure copper is difficult to mould into intricate shapes. So if the design of your copper vessel is very intricate, it is most probably not made with pure copper.
How to clean copper bottle
Traditional methods of cleaning copper bottle is by rubbing the copper with a mixture of salt and tamarind paste. Nowadays, you can use fresh lemon juice, salt or baking soda and vinegar to clean it. Allow it to stand in bottle overnight or at least 8 hours for best effects. Rinse in the morning.
No wonder our ancestors had copper vessels for drinking water. And don’t you think they had lived longer and healthier than their modern aqua-filtering counterparts! A debate may be on, but again, copper water is definitely good for all of us.
Copper is not innately utilized by our body. That is why too much of the metal can be detrimental. According to the FDA, about 12 mg/day is more than sufficient for the body to use without causing any harm. So, do not overdo the entire exercise. Drinking water twice or thrice in a day from a copper vessel is more than enough to reap its benefits.
Hope you enjoyed reading this;)
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