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Keep a vacation file
This could be a physical or electronic file that you fill with pictures of places you'd like to visit. When you're feeling stressed,sneak a peak. It will remind you of one reason you're working and open a virtual escape route.
Loosen up with this exercise
Rub a drop of lavender oil on your inner wrist
The aroma of lavender is a known relaxant. Close your eyes, hold your wrist up to your nose and sniff deeply. You can even try picturing yourself in a field of lavender, the purple stalks waving in the breeze.
Take control of your email
A survey by Canadian researchers found that many workers spend more than an hour a day on email. To cope, use the rule of three: If you've gone back and forth three times on a topic with a co-worker and you still have questions, pick up the phone.
Deal directly with difficult workplace relationships
The cadence,words and images will soothe your soul. Not into poetry? If you're religious, try reading a psalm or another sacred writing. If you love music,listen to a few of your favourite songs.
Seriously, Grab a pencil and sketch the stress triggers around you, doodle something peaceful or funny such as a cariacature of the office villain or reap the calmimg benefits of an adult colouring book. Using another part of your brain and focussing on something outside the chaos can provide a much needed break.
Make true work friends
Studies find that if you believe your supervisor and co-workers care about you,your blood pressure will be lower during the day and will surge less in those sometimes stressful work moments.
Eat peppermint choclate
Treat yourself now and again to some peppermint choclate preferably dark choclate. The choclate is itself stress relieving,the peppermint provides a burst of minty energy, and the tiny sugar rush be just enough to get you over the hump.
Examine your real feelings
If you love what you do,work stress will be far less damaging than if you don't. But if you hate your job, it's time to explore other options. Spend a few minutes each evening rewriting your resume, researching new jobs , or listing potential employers. The feeling of empowerment can help you handle the stress at your current job.
Bring Snacks
Bring a spill-proof coffee cup filled with your favorite brew to the office, and have a bag of nonperishable snacks on hand (try protein bars, dried fruit and nuts, juice boxes, or pretzels). Going for more than a few hours without a snack can cause your blood sugar levels to drop, and you’ll end up exacerbating stress. This way, even if you have to work through back-to-back meetings, you’ll be able to grab some fuel. Keep an eye out on your field of work–these 25 jobs may not exist in 25 years.
Give Yourself Some Credit
Most of us don’t take enough time to praise ourselves for doing things well. So when you’ve completed an interim or long-term goal, tell yourself—out loud—what a good job you’ve done. You’ll get a burst of confidence that will go a long way towards helping you maintain your cool amid the workplace madness.
Have a “Perspective Reminder”
Stress can overpower you at times, but your troubles are smaller than they seem. To remind yourself of that, keep a picture in your office—the earth taken from space, a starry night or the ocean—and look at it whenever you feel overwhelmed. Amid countless stars and the timeless crashing of waves against the shore, how important is that deadline, really?
Plan Ahead
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Schedule Worry Time
Close your office door or go to an empty conference room and focus on what is stressig you. Divide a sheet of paper into three columns.
Worst Thing That Could Happen.
When your workload gets grueling, take time to de-stress: Your heart depends on it.
People who’ve suffered a heart attack and return to super-stressful jobs are at serious risk for a second one. Canadian researchers tracked 972 people for six years after their first attack. When workers returned to a high-stress job, their risk of having another attack doubled after two years compared with less-stressed workers.
Having a plan in place to deal with tension is important for all of us, says Randal Thomas, MD, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic: “Exercise is the greatest stress reducer we have.” It’s also the best way to prevent stress in the first place. Do jumping jacks, take a walk or try an under-the-desk pedal exerciser. If you’ve had an attack, think seriously about entering a cardiac rehab program, says Dr. Thomas. It can help you learn to cope and cut your risk of dying from a repeat attack by up to 30 percent.
Know And Understand These
Tips / Ideas / Ways
De-stress Or Simplify Your Work Day
Career stress? When the heat is on at work, these tips can help simplify your 9 to 5.
Schedule Worry Time
- My Worry.
- Why it Worries Me.
Worst Thing That Could Happen. ( Today's Deals At
Loosen up with this exercise
Stand against a wall, and then slide down it as if you were sitting in a chair. Stay there for as long as you can without looking down.(Don't worry if it's for only a few seconds.)Breathe deeply (in through your nose,out through your month),and focus on peaceful thought (waves crashing on the shore, a glass of wine by a roaring fire or your boss leaving on an extended vacation). Press your feet into the ground as you hold this position and picture the stress oozing out of your body. After you stand up shake out your arms and legs and return to work refreshed.
Rub a drop of lavender oil on your inner wrist
Take control of your email
Deal directly with difficult workplace relationships
"Toxic" people can be annoying- and draining. After a negative encounter, try this direct, honest and disarming approach:" I am finding our interactions stressful because of[blank] and am feeling bad about [blank]. I would like our working relationship to improve. What suggestions do you have for me?" Even if you feel that the other person is the one who should change, by asking for his or her suggestions,you avoid putting that person on the defensive. If your colleague is even a little bit reasonable,this might make him or her admit," Well, I suppose there are some changes I coulds make too."
Read a poem out loud
Read a poem out loud
The cadence,words and images will soothe your soul. Not into poetry? If you're religious, try reading a psalm or another sacred writing. If you love music,listen to a few of your favourite songs.
Make true work friends
Eat peppermint choclate
Treat yourself now and again to some peppermint choclate preferably dark choclate. The choclate is itself stress relieving,the peppermint provides a burst of minty energy, and the tiny sugar rush be just enough to get you over the hump.
Examine your real feelings
If you love what you do,work stress will be far less damaging than if you don't. But if you hate your job, it's time to explore other options. Spend a few minutes each evening rewriting your resume, researching new jobs , or listing potential employers. The feeling of empowerment can help you handle the stress at your current job.
Bring Snacks
Give Yourself Some Credit
Most of us don’t take enough time to praise ourselves for doing things well. So when you’ve completed an interim or long-term goal, tell yourself—out loud—what a good job you’ve done. You’ll get a burst of confidence that will go a long way towards helping you maintain your cool amid the workplace madness.
This is especially important if you have a sedentary job. Try lifting your legs up and stretching them for 30 seconds. This movement reduces the risk of blood clots that can result from sitting too long in one position. Another useful exercise is to put one arm behind your neck and stretch it by holding on to the elbow with the opposite arm. Switch sides and repeat.
Have a “Perspective Reminder”
Stress can overpower you at times, but your troubles are smaller than they seem. To remind yourself of that, keep a picture in your office—the earth taken from space, a starry night or the ocean—and look at it whenever you feel overwhelmed. Amid countless stars and the timeless crashing of waves against the shore, how important is that deadline, really?
Plan Ahead
When work is challenging, devote some of your down time, like weekends and evenings, to making a to-do list for the next week. Make a list, place boxes next to each item, and tick off the boxes as you get things done. You’ll avoid forgetting anything, you’ll stay focused on the job, and it’s very satisfying to tick off those boxes.
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Work , Career , Office , Destress, ideas, tips, optimize
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