Monday, September 2, 2019

Benefits Of Practicing Meditation

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Hey Everyone,





Here's a little bit from my (very short) personal experience of practicing for a handful of years.

Greater sense of calm 

on a daily basis. 

Everyday life becoming easier, friction less 

This extends from the most mundane tasks like washing clothes or cleaning your house or making food to the most previously-challenging tasks, such as tackling complicated or 'difficult' problems at work.


from what I call "secondary emotions" -- getting mad at yourself for feeling sad, for example.  You feel emotions fully, then they pass, and there's nothing after them.

Greater understanding and feelings of compassion 

for other people, and the benefit of this is that you feel angry at them much less often.

Rare moments of deep clarity 

where your inner monologue goes completely silent. This is like not realizing that all your life you've had a high-pitched whine ringing in your ears. When it goes away, the silence feels so good that it's almost cathartic.

Professional life becomes completely different

The things that used to stress you, such as deadlines, budgets, resources, agendas, politics -- become totally easy and fall into place. Instead of these worries, I find I spend more and more of the work day just trying to magnify love into each moment, no matter what else is going on. I've found this a much greater (and more rewarding) challenge than hitting those margin targets.


You understand problems quicker and more easily than before, and solutions to previously tough problems suggest themselves to your mind rapidly. Although I haven't experienced it to these levels, there are stories of great lamas being able to diagnose problems with an internal combustion engine after a brief introduction to what some of the major parts are, but without any formal training or experience.

Social and emotional processing at greater speeds. 

Similar to insight. You will be in conversations with people and their motivations will become more transparent to you. You will see when they are projecting, or being immature or egotistic in their words or deeds, and you can maneuver around it without getting caught up in it.

Life or The Universe starts giving you more to deal with, 

which might have previously overwhelmed you. I've noticed that as my practice deepens and grows I take on "bigger" life events and greater rates of change with an equanimity I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to manage before. I think this makes me a better instrument of healing and helping in the world.

I'm sure there are many others I have yet to experience.

Hope you enjoyed reading this ;)

What Do You Think?Do you agree or Disagree or Have any other ideas?Please Share your thoughts in the comments below as I learn just as much from you as you do from me!”

Bye for Know,


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