Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Know If Your Voice Is Alluring or Unattractive And Ways To Make It Attractive

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Hey Everyone,

Know If Your Voice

Is alluring or unattractive


Ways To Make It Attractive

 Photo:Sameer/auracompletsolutions.blogspot.com/ AdobeStock


"HIS VOICE TOUCHES PLACES INSIDE ME like someone moving through a house,flicking light switches. And even if it was dark,I'd still be able to understand him,because his voice nestles against my soul",- Geraldine McCaughrean,Reading this quote one can easily link the chord of appeal the voice entails on our soul. Yes,voice allures!

When the phone rings, even though may not know the person at the other end of the line, as soon as they speak you usually know whether you are, talking to a honey-drenched voice,or deep,low-pitched ones. Some voices are so fascinating that you want to hear them again and again. Voice is integral part of a person's sex appeal.

Dr Rajan Bhonsle Honorary Professor and Head of Department Sexual Medicine at K.E.M. Hospital jots down the facts on how voice colours and conjours up the image of who we are talking to. Also know how does voice work as aphrodisiac for your sex life.


Male voice and sex appeal

Researchers with Harvard, McMaster and Florida State Universities examined the correlation between voice pitch and child-bearing success, and found that deeper voice pitch predicted reproductive success in males. Another study, published in the journal Biology Letters, acclaims that a deeper vocal pitch, indicates a higher level of testosterone. Since there is an established relationship between testosterone and deep vocal pitch, this is the reason women find find deep male voices more attractive and get involved even with some ugly- as-toads men with great voices more easily.

"Men with more masculine voices are those involved in more sexual desires however, a softer male voice signals a more caring man, more likely to invest in a long term relationship."

Female voice and sex appeal

It's harder to determine what makes a woman's voice appealing to men. Some studies show that men prefer high-pitched female voices, but there haven't been many experiments so far..There are those who prefer sweet, high-pitched female voices and others who prefer lower,fuller voices. Psychologists have found that breathiness is one quality in female voices that adds to its sex appeal. Breathiness comes from air whistling through a gap at the end of the vocal cords. The gap is larger in woman, thus the breathier voice.Psychologists believe that men might find a very breathy voice sexy. However, bright, generous voices, low vocal pitch and a small range of pitch,also increase interpersonal attraction claims a Japanese study.


A good,firm voice not only indicates a person's good health but also reveals their sexual potential. A research confirms that there is a link between voice, body configuration, and sexual behaviour as voice influences hormones and bring attractiveness, promoting to sexual opportunity, A study at Florida notes that men with good voices have more sexual partners, lose their virginity at a younger age and have broader shouldsers and narrower hips, while women with attractive voices have narrower waists and broader hips and also attract more sexual partners.


Always breathe out when you speak 

dont hold your breath.

Use the natural deep tones 

of your voice as much as possible.

Speak at a normal pace

Talking fast will clutter your words,and talking too slowly can be boring.

Work on your pitch

To find deeper sexually attractive.To get it to a lower,richer pitch,relax your neck, sholuders and jaws consciously.

Breathe right to alluring voice. 

Renee Grant-Williams, author of "Voice Power",advises people to breathe from the lower body. Hold your fist right below the navel and isolate and flex only those lower abdominal muscles where the fist is. Squeeze out a little puff of air from below the waist. To let air back in, let the lower ab muscles relax while loosening the jaw and opening the throat so air can flow in. She claims that with practice,this can give an irrestible voice.

Remember,sexiness of voice do not from great clothes or an expensive lifestyle but from self confidence a great attitude, a sense of humour and how keen one is to make their presence felt by using their voice. So go confident to speak your heart out.    
Hope You Enjoyed Reading This.

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Bye for Know,


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Voice, 'X', Alluring, Unattractive, Male, female, Sex Appeal, Attractive,Physical,Personal, Self Development,

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Everyone,

    Know If Your Voice Is Alluring or Unattractive And Ways To Make It Attractive.

    hope you enjoy reading this.

    Bye For Know

