Sunday, August 18, 2019

Know How These Daily Used House Hold Things Could Be Used To Remove Any Stain From Your Clothes

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Hey Everyone!,

Know How These Daily Used 

House Hold Things 

Could Be Used To 

Remove Any Stain 

From Your Clothes

Find out how bread, milk, hair spray and more can be used to remove stains from your favorite clothes.

Artificial sweetener

If you are out to dinner at a restaurant, or even if grease splatters on you while you are cooking, use artificial sweetener immediately to blot the stain. The fine powder will absorb the oil. You may have to keep blotting and using more sweetener, but it really works! And artificial sweetener is always handy at any eatery.


To remove ink stains from colored clothes, an overnight milk bath will often do the trick. Just soak the affected garment in milk overnight and launder as usual the next day.


Got ring around the collar? Cheap hair shampoo will break down body oils and act as a detergent.

Hair Spray

Your toddler just went wild with a ballpoint pen on your new white shirt. Squirt the stain with hair spray and the pen marks should come right off.


Oh no, a pen opened up in the pocket of your favorite shirt! This may or may not work, depending on the fabric and the ink, but it is certainly worth a try before consigning the shirt to the scrap bin. Put non-gel toothpaste on the stain and rub the fabric vigorously together. Rinse with water. Did some of the ink come out? Great! Repeat the process a few more times until you get rid of all the ink. The same process works for lipstick.


Tear out the doughy center of white bread and knead it into a ball, then blot the smear repeatedly with the dough until the stain lifts from the fabric. Now wash the garment. The dough ball is also safe to use on lipstick marks on dry-clean only wool clothing.

Shaving cream tomato-sauce remover

Take a can of non-gel shaving cream and spray it onto the stain, rub it in gently and let it dry before washing as normal. Shaving cream can also remove stains from your carpet, too. 


It can all-too-easily happen: you’re near the end of a bike ride when your front wheel hits a pothole, sending you and the bike clattering to the ground. Hopefully, all that’s hurt is your pride and a bleeding elbow, which manages to leave bloodstains all over your clothes. It seems ridiculous, but soaking bloodstains overnight in cola removes them. Try it, it may sound insane, but it actually works!

Hope You Enjoyed Reading This.

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Bye for Know


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