Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How Or Why Water Refilled In A Plastic Water Bottle Can Make U Sick As Well As Have Harmful Effects On Your Body

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How Or Why Water Refilled 

In A Plastic Water Bottle 

Can Make U Sick 

As Well As 

Have Harmful Effects 

On Your Body

We’re all guilty—but the consequences can be seriously harmful to your health.

Most of us don’t think twice about refilling our plastic water bottles. After all, it’s all in the name of personal hydration and it’s eco-friendly! And there’s absolutely nothing harmful about a simple bottle of water, right?

Wrong! That plastic water bottle could actually do your body more harm than good, experts say. Why? You can thank Bisphenol A (commonly known as BPA), a chemical used to manufacture plastics, for your water woes. This harmful chemical can leach into the water and quickly grow dangerous bacteria in the bottle’s cracks—that’s one of the reasons you should stay away from straws, too—and the health consequences are pretty serious.

We spoke to Kent Atherton, CEO of PuriBloc technology, about the risks of reusing plastics. “Sadly, many people buying plastic water bottles do so because they believe they are making a healthy choice when the opposite is more likely to be true,” said Atherton. “Even BPA free products are not safe since manufacturers are now substituting other estrogenic chemicals, not as widely known, which may pose the same danger to human health. ”
These estrogenic chemicals can have a negative effect on human beings’ hormonal balances, but the potential dangers of plastic water bottles don’t stop there. In a study of 259 plastic water bottles at the State University of New York at Fredonia, scientists found that 93% of the surveyed bottles had some form of microplastic contamination. Additionally, single-use plastic bottles are mostly made of polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, which is safe to use, but not reuse; these plastics can leach chemicals into your water if heated or scratched.

There’s also the bacterial factor to consider. “The thing about water bottles is that, like all beverage containers, they come into contact with our mouth and hands—which are home to a lot of germs,” says Professor Stephanie Liberatorein the academic journal The Science Teacher. “Their openings are small, which makes them difficult to clean. This, combined with their moist environment, can make water bottles a bacterial breeding ground.”
To hydrate without harm, smart drinkers should avoid re-using disposable bottles. Instead, you should recycle them after drinking up once; or, better yet, invest in a BPA-free plastic bottle or one made from glass or stainless steel. Not only will doing so benefit your health, but you can help the environment, too. 

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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

After Life Of What Really Happens To Your Donated Clothing's

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Hey Everyone!,

What Really Happens 

To Your Used 

Clothing Donations


After Life Of Your

 Donated Clothing

Think someone else is cozying up to your like-new sweater you just donated? Think again! Chances are it's now a rag at an auto body shop.

While you may donate your old clothing to charity, the truth is, even then, a whopping 84 percent of our clothing ends up in landfills and incinerators, according to the EPA. The Council for Textile Recycling reports that the average U.S. citizen throws away between 70 and 81 pounds of clothing and other textiles annually.

The journey is very bleak for fast fashion wears. For an example, let’s take that fluffy, boat neck poly-blend cream sweater that was gingerly coddled and featured in your Instagram flat lay—but that now, weeks later, you’re ready to part with.
Let’s follow it through a few different scenarios. 

You donate your sweater to a local charity

While the warm sentiment is there, the fact is, up to 90 percent of clothing donations to Goodwill, Salvation Army, and other charities ends up with textile recyclers, according to a Saturday Evening Post report. 
If your sweater isn’t picked up in as few as three to four weeks’ time, it can end up as carpet padding, insulation, and rags—or even overseas.

“Unless your clothing has mildew or has been stained with a solvent like gasoline, textile waste mills can recycle it,” explains Cassi Happe, founder and sustainable fashion journalist at Curated Cassi. Textiles are cut into rags for industrial waste or ground into fiber to make insulation, carpet padding, yarn, or paper. 
The upside? Recycling does reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. In 2014, the 89 million tons of municipal solid waste, like paper, plastic, and textiles recycled provided an annual reduction of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions comparable to removing over 38 million passenger cars from the roads for one year.
Unfortunately the same can’t be said for small African villages impacted by hefty boxes of used garments making their way across the ocean.
“Many textile recyclers will take a portion of the clothing that they don’t think they can sell in the U.S., package them up in by gender, size, and season, and create huge bundles of clothes they then sell by weight to be shipped to less developed countries,” explains Jen Zuklie, founder of The Swoondle Society, an online children’s used clothing platform.
These items are then sold cheaply at “bend over” street markets, where customers bend over to select garments laying on the ground, and it’s made a devastating impact on local indigenous markets. Countries like Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Burundi are seeking to ban clothes and shoe imports to protect local businesses. 

You slide your sweater into a roadside donation bin

Pulling over for a donation bin to send said sweater on its way? Many of those bins are actually for-profit textile recycling companies falsely posing as charitable organizations or donating a small percentage of profits in order to operate legally. Since only 10 percent of items donated to an actual store get sold, cutting out the middleman and not wasting manpower at goodwill stores may seem like a good thing. But this practice takes money away from the legitimate charitable organizations.

You drop off that sweater at the store’s take-back program

Retailers including H&M, GAP, Patagonia, Levi’s, Madewell, and others have announced in-store programs allowing customers to bring in worn garments. These are sorted to be donated or recycled—turned into insulation, rags, or, more misleadingly, recycled into textile for new garments—sometimes in exchange for a discount voucher.
Sadly, recycling old wears into new ones weakens the fibers and clothing made from multiple fibers, say 95 percent cotton and 5 percent spandex, and makes it tough to separate thin fibers to their native components. In fact, H&M’s 2016 sustainability report admits only .7 percent of the materials used in new clothing has been recycled. Nationally, less than 1 percent of clothing is recycled to make new ones. Technology is improving as Levi’s has shown by creating its first 100 percent recycled cotton jeans; however, their prototype did weave in virgin cotton.
Oh, but your T-shirt is made from 100 percent recycled cotton you say? This post-industrial recycled cotton wasn’t spun from an old button-down but from new fabric scraps from a factory’s cutting room floor. Feels a little deceptive, no? 

You toss your sweater in the garbage with the rest of the trash

Nearly 85 percent of us dispose of clothing in the same trash where we dump our kitchen scraps, amounting to a staggering 13 million tons of textiles per year, which is an average of over 70 pounds per person. We’re talking roughly 100 garments per year that sit in landfills waiting to decompose for as long as 200 years. Can you even visually recall 30 shirts that are in your closet right now?
You’re thinking, sure, it may take a while, but it’s just taking up some space, right? Well as that poly-blend sweater decomposes, it releases greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane, polluting the environment further. And this is after its creation that also took a toll on resources. Levi’s has found that making one pair of 501s required almost 920 gallons of water, 400 megajoules of energy, and expelled 32 kilograms of carbon dioxide. This is equivalent to running a garden hose for 106 minutes, driving 78 miles, and powering a computer for 556 hours. According to The Secondary Materials and Recycled Textiles Association (SMART), 95 percent of all clothing and household textiles can be recycled or repurposed.

We need a fast fashion diet as much as the fast food variety. Buying less and wearing it longer is akin to the adage of fewer calories in, more calories out. Buy better, more durable clothing. Find ways to repair it, sell or swap online, donate to a charity that wants a specific type of gently-worn clothes (like a coat drive or prom dresses), or use it for rags around the house. As a last resort, always recycle. As we can see, any scenario for that cozy pullover innocently purchased on a whim further keeps exponentially impacting our environment and communities. Part of this is changing our mindset, too. Don’t justify a purchase because you think it’ll have a robust second life once you’re through with it.
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Monday, July 29, 2019

Everyone Or Every Enterprise Needs To Innovate.

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Innovation Isn’t About Ideas

It’s about solving problems and doing hard things first
Every enterprise needs to innovate. It doesn’t matter whether you’re are a profit-seeking business, a nonprofit organization, or a government entity. The simple truth is that every business model fails eventually, because conditions change over time. We have to manage not for stability, but for disruption — that, or face irrelevance.

There is no shortage of advice on how to go about it. In fact, there is far too much advice. Design thinkers will tell you to focus on the end user, but Harvard’s Clayton Christensen says that listening to customers too much is how good businesses fail. Then there’s open innovation, lean startups, and on and on it goes.
The truth is that there is no one path to innovation. Everybody has to find their own way. Just because someone had success with one strategy doesn’t mean it’s right for the problem you need to solve. So the best advice is to gather as many tools for your toolbox as you can.

Here are four facts about innovation that you’ll rarely hear, though they’re critically important.

1. Your Success Often Works Against You

For the most part, managers aren’t responsible for innovation. As the title implies, they’re responsible for managing operations. That involves hiring and empowering strong employees, optimizing practices and processes, and reducing errors and mistakes. Managers aren’t generally trying to build a better mousetrap; they’re trying to run things smoothly and efficiently.
It’s easy for someone to stand up on stage at a conference and paint operational managers as dimwits with their heads in the sand. But managing a quality operation is a tough job that requires talent, dedication, and skill. So unless you’ve actually done the job, don’t be too quick to judge.
However, managers do need to realize that there is a fundamental trade-off between innovating and optimizing operations. Running efficient operations requires standardization and control to yield predictable outcomes. Innovation, on the other hand requires experimentation. It means trying a lot of new things, most of which are going to fail.

That’s why success so often leads to failure. What makes you successful in one competitive environment will likely be a hindrance when things change. So you need to find a healthy balance between squeezing everything you can out of the present, while still leaving room to create and build for the future.

2. Look For A Hair-On-Fire Use Case
Good operational managers learn to identify large addressable markets. Bigger markets help you scale your business, drive revenues, and allow you invest back into operations to create more efficiency. Greater efficiencies lead to fatter profit margins, which allow you to invest even more in improvements, creating a virtuous cycle.
Yet, when you’re trying to do something truly new and different, trying to scale too fast can kill your business before it’s even gotten started. A truly revolutionary product is unpredictable because, by its very nature, it’s not well understood. Charging boldly into the unknown is a sure way to run into unanticipated problems that are expensive to fix at scale.
Innovation is never a single event. It is a long process of discovery, engineering, and transformation.

A better strategy is to identify a hair-on-fire use case — someone who needs a problem fixed so badly that they are willing to overlook the inevitable glitches. They will help you identify shortcomings early and correct them. Once you get things ironed out, you can begin to scale for more ordinary use cases.
For example, developing a self-driving car is a risky proposition with a dizzying amount of variables you can’t account for. However, a remote mine in Western Australia, where drivers are scarce and traffic nonexistent, is an ideal place to test and improve the technology. In a similar vein, Google Glass failed utterly as a mass product, but is getting a second life as an industrial tool. Sometimes it’s better to build for the few than the many.

3. Start With the Monkey

When I work with executives, they often have a breakthrough idea that excites them. They begin to tell me what a great opportunity it is and how they are perfectly positioned to capitalize on it. However, when I dig deeper, there’s always a major barrier to making it happen. When I ask about that, they shut down.
Make no mistake. Innovation isn’t about ideas, it’s about solving problems. The truth is that nobody cares about your ideas, they care about the problems you can solve for them. The reason most people can’t innovate isn’t because they don’t have ideas, but because they lack the perseverance needed to stick with a really tough problem until it’s cracked.
At Google X, the tech giant’s “moonshot factory,” the mantra is #MonkeyFirst. The idea is that if you want to get a monkey to recite Shakespeare on a pedestal, you start by training the monkey, not building the pedestal. Because training the monkey is the hard part. Anyone can build a pedestal.
The problem is that most people start with the pedestal, because it’s what they know. And by building it, they can show early progress against a timeline. Unfortunately, building a pedestal gets you nowhere. Unless you can actually train the monkey, working on the pedestal is wasted effort.

4. Sometimes the World Isn’t Ready Yet

When Alexander Fleming first published his discovery of penicillin, no one really noticed. When Xerox executives first got a look at the Alto — the machine that would become the model for the Macintosh seven years later — they didn’t see what the big deal was. When Jim Allison first showed pharmaceutical executives his idea for cancer immunotherapy, not one would invest in it.
We always think the next big thing will be obvious, but in truth, it often starts out looking like nothing at all. When something truly has the power to change the world, the world isn’t ready for it. It needs to build advocacy, gain traction among a particular industry or field, and combine with other innovations before it can make an impact.
But no one ever tells you that. We’re conditioned to think that someone like Steve Jobs or Elon Musk stands up on stage, announces that the world has changed, and everybody just goes along. It never really happens that way because innovation is never a single event. It is a long process of discovery, engineering, and transformation that usually takes about 30 years.
“Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas,” said the computing pioneer Howard Aiken. “If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats.” Never were truer words spoken. Great innovators aren’t just people with ideas. They’re people willing to stick it out and take the shots from people who ridicule them. Eventually, if they’re lucky, they really do change the world.

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Sunday, July 28, 2019

How You Can Ruin Your Frying Pan By Placing Them In The Sink In Cold Water After You Have Finished Cooking

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Hey Everyone!,

How You Can Ruin 

Your Frying Pan

By Placing Them 

In The Sink 

In Cold Water 


You Have 

Finished Cooking

Whether you splurged at your favorite kitchen store or got your frying pans second (or third or fourth) hand, avoiding this will save them from being ruined!

If you invite me over for dinner and place your hot pans in the sink as you finish cooking, you’ll probably see me physically cringe. I’m not trying to judge; I’ve done it before, too. It’s tempting to use the sink as a way to make space on the stovetop, or maybe you have an especially disastrous pan that looks like it could benefit from a long soak.
But that sizzling sound is in an indication that something nefarious going on. Putting a hot pan in cold water causes something called thermal shock. It can ruin your pans—even the expensive ones.

What is thermal shock?

There’s a lot of science here, but basically, metal expands as it’s heated. Most pots and pans are made from multiple layers of metal, like stainless steel and aluminum. They may also have an enameled or nonstick coating. Each of these materials expands and contracts at different temperatures, which you never notice when the change happens gradually. For example, when you slowly warm a pan on the stovetop or let it come down to room temperature naturally, the layers of metal expand together.
The problem arises when you introduce a sudden change in temperature, like putting a hot pan in cold water. The metals cool too quickly and the pan actually starts to pull against itself. The bigger the temperature difference, the greater the shock, but even a small amount of cold water in the bottom of your sink can cause a pan to warp, shatter, crack or chip.
Warped pans are a major problem because they won’t cook evenly. They allow oil to pool on one side or the other, and they certainly won’t sit flat against an induction or electric cook top. Even if your pan doesn’t warp, the finish can come off, and that chipped enamel or nonstick coating may find its way into your food. No, thank you!

How to properly care for your pans

The best way to avoid this type of damage is to let your pans cool down gradually on the stove top. If you need to make space, place the pan on a trivet or another heat-proof surface.If you’re using your granite counter tops, be sure to wipe them clean first so the pan doesn’t accidentally sit in a puddle of water.

You should be especially careful when it comes to thin nonstick pans and cookware made with glass or stoneware, as these are the most susceptible to thermal shock. You’ll have better luck with thicker, well-constructed pans, but that doesn’t mean you should put your All-Clad stainless steel or cast-iron skillets straight into the sink. After letting these types of pans cool briefly, you can speed up the cooling process by adding small amounts of tepid water.

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