Friday, August 23, 2019

Learn To Cook Easy Recipes For Prasad And Sweet For Lord Krishna

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Easy To Cook Recipes 

For Prasad and Sweet

For Lord Krishna

All over India Janmashatami is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Lord Krishna, who is believed to be the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. According to calendar, the festival is said to be celebrated on the eighth day of the Krishna Paksha. Lord Krishna is known to be a die-hard fan of sweets. Prasad and Sweets made on Janmashatami in most of the Indian houses.

Sukhae (Dry) Attae Ki Panjiri Prasad

Ingredients for Panjiri

  • Wheat flour - 150 grams (1 cup)
  • Ghee - 50 grams (1/4 cup)
  • Boora (ground sugar) - 100 grams (half a cup)
  • Makhane - 10 - 12
  • Cardamom - 2 (peel and grind)

Method - How to make Panjiri

Sieve the flour in a vessel and remove it. 

Put the pan-fried pan on the gas flame and heat the ghee in the pan, put the flour in the hot ghee and fry it by stirring it on the medium gas flame, turn off the gas flame when the flour starts smelling and the color turns brown. . 

Allow the roasted flour to cool. 

Cut a Makhana into 4-5 pieces, put 2 small spoons of ghee in a small pan and heat it, put the chopped Makhane in hot ghee and fry it while stirring with a spoon. Peel cardamom and make powder. 

Mix roasted Makhane, Bura, Cardamom powder in flour, ah this delicious panjiri is ready. You eat these now and fill the remaining in an air tight container, whenever you feel like, take out the registries from the container and eat it, the registries will be good even for 2 months.


Ingredients for Charnamrit

  • Fresh curd - 400 grams (2 cups)
  • Cold milk - 100 grams (half cup)
  • Sugar - 50 grams (1/4 cup)
  • Honey - 1 tbsp
  • Makhane - 10 - 12
  • Tulsi leaves - 8-10

Method - How to make Charnamrit

Take out the curd in a big pot. 

Add milk, sugar and honey to the curd and stir with a spoon. 

Cut the makhane into 4 pieces and mix it in this mixture, add finely chopped basil leaves as well, 
take it, your Charnamrit is ready

Besan burfi

Besan Ki Burfi - Indian sweet with Bengal gram -Chickpea flour

Besan burfi recipe is a traditional Indian sweet or dessert. Though the ingredients are similar to besan laddo, the taste, consistency, shape is different as the cooking process is different.

Both besan burfi and besan laddoos are easy to make but besan barfi takes less time to make as there is no time needed to make the balls as with ladoos.
The shelf life of besan barfi is long and so it is a preferred sweet during the festivals such as diwali and at parties or at any other time when you need to make a lot of dishes.
You can make besan barfi a few days in advance and serve it later.

How to make besan burfi - Gram flour barfi

Ingredients for besan burfi

Main ingredients for besan barfi
Besan (chickpea flour)
  • 1 cups besan(bengal gram flour)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 3/4 cup ghee
  • dry fruits such as kaju, badam(Almonds/ cashew nut ) pieces - to decorate
  • Ilaichi (Cardamom) powder - 1/2 tsp
Method to make besan barfi
Grease a plate with a little ghee. Keep aside
Heat a thick-bottomed pan. Add ghee and besan. 
Roast the besan in ghee on low flame for about 10-15 minutes or until the raw smell goes and you start getting a good aroma. The color of the mixture will change to very light brown. Do not let it get dark brown, it will taste bitter.
In another pan, add sugar and water. Bring to a boil and cook for 5-8 minutes or until the syrup reaches two threads consistency. 
Add this sugar syrup to the roasted besan and ghee and mix well. 
Add cardamom powder. Mix well. 
If you wish, you may add half the cashew almond pieces to this mix now.
Pour this mixture into a greased tray. garnish with almond and cashew nut pieces. 
Let cool completely for 1-2 hours or longer if necessary. 
Remove the pieces carefully and Store in an airtight container.
Tips :
Vegans(those who do not want to use ghee, a dairy product) can use pure edible coconut oil for roasting and greasing the plate. The taste and flavor will change accordingly.
Take care while roasting the flour. The flame should be low. Roasting on high flame will give color fast but it will still taste raw. It may also taste bitter.

Have a great Janmashatmi    celebration and enjoy making    these easy and Delicious Recipes
Hope you enjoyed reading and    Like these Recipes;)

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Should I Buy My Own House Or Rent One ? This Economist’s Perspective Will Come As A Big Relief

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Should I Buy My Own House

Or Rent  One ? 

This Economist’s Perspective Will 


Come As A Big Relief

Dear Emily,
I’m 30 years old, and my husband and I are thinking about buying a house. He’s all for it, but frankly, I’m terrified of the idea of taking on a mortgage. I know a number of people who lost their homes during the financial crisis. The housing market seems like it isn’t the sure thing everyone said it was. And we have significant student loan debt as it is. So my question is—is homeownership really all it’s cracked up to be? And what should young people do when they’re already swimming in debt as is?
Dear Renter:
I distinctly remember the time in 2006 when a relative told me I should “definitely” buy a house because “the housing market always goes up.”  This was obviously not good advice, though it certainly reflects prevailing wisdom at the time. And I can see why in the wake of the housing crisis, you’d fear that the housing market always goes down. Which is also not true.

There is one unambiguous argument in favor of buying a house: Sometimes it is hard to rent the house you want. In most places, if you want to live in a single-family detached house, there are not many rental options, certainly not long-term ones. So you may find yourself coming up short on good rentals, and buying may be the only way to get what you want.
However, let’s assume that you are happily renting someplace and your only motivation to buy is financial. Is it cheaper to rent or buy? In equilibrium, the answer is: The price to rent or buy should be about the same. Why is that?
Imagine that rents were so high that you could buy a place and rent it out and still have loads of money left over—even after paying the mortgage, maintenance, and everything else. If that happens, the market will adjust. People will start coming in, buying properties, and renting them out. But as apartment-hunters have more options to choose from, rental prices will fall. And they’ll fall to the point where the rental price just about covers the cost of owning.
Alternatively, if rents were so low that owners would lose money renting houses, they’d stop doing it. But as the number of available rentals goes down, the prices will go up. And they’ll go up to the point where the rental price will cover the cost of owning.
This is an example of what economists call “equilibrium” and it means that ultimately, it will likely cost you about the same to rent or to buy.
You can also try to do this calculation directly. Think about what it costs you to rent. Then think about what it would cost to buy the same quality house. Take into account the mortgage, of course, but also insurance, maintenance, foregone interest on the down payment, and the value of your time spent fixing things that the landlord would fix in a rental. I suspect you’ll find that the costs are about the same.
Given this reality, the only other strong argument for buying a house is the view that the “housing market always goes up,” so when you sell, you’ll make money. But you don’t have to go very far back in history to see that isn’t true, so it’s probably not a great argument. The housing market also doesn’t always go down, so that’s not a great argument, either.

As to your debt question: Student debt may limit your ability to get a mortgage, but it shouldn’t keep you from buying a house if you want to. Your housing debt is collateralized by your house, so unless the value of your house goes down so much that you’re underwater on your mortgage, it’s not debt in the same sense that your student debt is.
A final note: Time horizon matters. There are a lot of fixed costs with buying a house: you pay the realtor, closing costs, etc. If you are going to own a house for 30 years, these do not matter much. But if you’re planning to sell in a few years, they significantly raise the effective buying price. And if you rent, so much the easier to flee the in a coming war with Australia.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Learn These Game Changing Ways To Overcome Jet lag

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Learn These Game Changing 


To Overcome Jet lag

I fly a lot. My work often takes me across several time zones. I travel to see clients in the USA and Australia, both a long way from my home in the U.K. and on very different latitudes. Twice a year, I spend a significant amount of time at MIT Sloan where my body clock adjusts totally and then I return home to face the re-adjustment! I’m passionate about exploring in my spare time. I love to visit different places and experience new cultures. But I understand - perhaps too much - how flying long haul can be detrimental to brain and bodily function. My professional experience as a medical doctor, neuroscientist and also as an executive advisor (now “in residence at Annabel’s, Mayfair”*) has led me to think about the way long distance journeys impact on my own and my clients’ cognitive performance. In looking at the different effects of long-haul flights on sleep quality, physical function and hydration alongside our capacity for high-level thinking, problem solving and mood, I have devised some tried-and-tested jetlag offset strategies that will help you adjust quickly to a change in time zone and ensure you don’t start or finish your business trip or your holiday with compromised brain function. A word of advance warning, the ideal combination of strategies equates to sensory deprivation but you will thank me for it!

The blue light from smartphones, tablets, laptops and TV screens on a flight will interfere with your body clock in the same way as they do on land, but this is complicated by the fact that when you land your body may not be prepared for sleep time or the long day ahead. Blue light interferes with the body’s production of the sleep hormone melatonin by signaling to the pineal gland that it is still day time and you are not ready to kick off the complex process of falling asleep. Here are some strategies to adjust to the new time zone as quickly as possible

Invest in blue light-reducing reading glasses. Swanwickmake some that I have found effective. When you wear them, you can afford to catch up on emails or admin, or watch a movie without the potentially negative impact that would compound the impact of time change at your destination.

A cheaper alternative is a good quality eye mask to block out ambient light from the cabin and to ensure that when you sleep on the plane (only do this if it’s roughly "night-time" at your destination or it’s a maximum 90-minute nap well ahead of bed-time). You will find it easier to relax enough to drop off with a mask that induces a dark cocoon, whereas cabin lights would make this difficult.
If you don’t have blue light glasses, avoid using screens during your flight. Think of it as an opportunity to do a mini digital detox. Even the in-flight entertainment screen will have an impact on your pineal gland. The opportunity to read a book, write by hand or switch off mentally will all contribute to you being able to hit the ground running when you land.

The noise pollution on a flight is something you may not have thought about, but it can represent a significant drain on your energy. The engine noise is at its most intense during take-off and landing, but constant throughout, with the average cruising noise coming in at 85 decibels. Throw in the sound of wind resistance, air conditioning and cabin noise, and it’s easy to see why it can be so hard to concentrate when you’re airborne.
Bose’s noise-reducing headphones are state of the art. I have a pair and I swear by them. They sit fully over your ears and really do create a sense of instant calm and containment but you can still hold a conversation and are fully aware of what is going on. In tests, they block out most background noise.
Wax earplugs are a significantly cheaper alternative, these are less effective at blocking background noise, but they are definitely better than going without, especially if you’re planning a strategic nap. Shape them properly to ensure they sit inside your ear canal. A snug fit means they’ll create a sound vacuum.
Pick a seat forward of the engine and by the window. Research has found that sitting by a window reduces cabin noise by 4 decibels, and sitting in front of the engine is quieter than sitting behind or on top of it.
The basic human drives are hunger/thirst, sleep/wake and the drive for reproduction. Although sleep disturbance is the most noticeable effect of jet lag, our gut bacteria get jet lag too so we feel hungry, and need to go to the loo, at our “home” times rather than our destination times until we have adjusted. When you synchronize meal times with those at your destination, it helps your sleep-wake patterns adjust by signaling associations such as, “I go to sleep about 2 hours after supper.” A light protein meal will help you stay alert, whereas a heavy carbohydrate meal will make you soporific. If you’re really hungry on a flight, your body will want to stay awake until you eat, as the brain stays on alert looking for food just like when we lived in the cave.
Do a 12-16 hour water fast during a long haul flight. I swear by this, and believe it’s the best way to significantly reduce the negative effects of jetlag. It makes it much easier to stay awake when you have a long day ahead, as your body will be primed to keep going until you have a meal. This works really well flying from London to LA but also helps on the London to Singapore flight simply by wasting less energy on digestion when your resources are being stretched.
Try reducing the number of calories you consume during your journey if you can’t countenance the idea of fasting. Restricting your intake to 500 calories on the travel day for women and 600 calories for men has been shown to have a wide range of benefits as a regular practice, and it’s a good way to avoid falling into the trap of mindlessly eating airplane food which is high in salt and low in nutrients. Pack your own nutritious and hydrating snacks such as crudités, unsalted nuts, and seed crackers.
Make sure you drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol. Flying dehydrates you massively so make sure you request a good and almost constant supply of water or herbal teas. I recommend clients drink a half liter of water per 30lb of body weight per day. Research shows that as little as 1-3% dehydration affects our memory and concentration – top symptoms of jet lag mental disturbance. Strategic use of caffeine can help but is not a treatment for feeling sluggish as it accumulates in your blood and has a quarter-life of 12 hours. That means that 12 hours after you drink a coffee, ¼ of the caffeine is still buzzing around your brain. This is the last thing you need when lying in bed unable to sleep due to jet lag. If you read one book this year, make it Why we sleep by Matthew Walker. The difference between 6 hours and 8 hours undisturbed sleep per night amounts to a 300% increase in certain cancers and heart disease.
Flying doesn’t only dehydrate you internally, it’s also moisture-sapping for your skin. A good way to ensure you don’t finish your journey feeling parched is to stock up on a range of skin-protecting products to slather on.
Altitude oil by de Mamiel skin has won so many industry awards for a reason. It is formulated by an expert in  Chinese medicine, Reiki and aromatherapy. It exerts its powerful effect through the olfactory system of the brain and I get asked about it every time I use it on a flight. The de Mamiel Sleep range also has some great complimentary products.
I’ve used various hydrating face masks but one that was recommended to me by a flight attendant is Patchology and I buy it from Anthropologie. For years, I relied on facial spritzes – always traveling with a mini one in my handbag, but the evaporating action of the spray means they could make you lose moisture rather than locking it in. The ultimate antidote to dry cabin air is an in-depth treatment such as a sheet mask followed up with regular moisturizing cream. This isn’t simply about vanity. Arriving for an important client meeting looking tired and drawn reduces your impact, presence and authority compared to being fresh-faced and energetic.
Hay Max organic balm is an inexpensive natural wax that you apply around your nostrils and eye sockets for hay fever prevention. On long-haul flights it may offer some protection to the respiratory system and mucous membranes against the viruses and bacteria that do the rounds during flights.
All in all, it’s about being mindful of how to negate your potentially detracting factors rather than mindlessly jumping on a plane thinking you’ll be fine and then suffering afterward. That way you can get more out of every vacation and business trip whilst increasing your bandwidth for the future.

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