Saturday, September 28, 2019

Know These Smartphone Repair Techniques And Save Your Money On Fixing Smart Phones

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Know These 

Smartphone Repair 


And Save Your  Money 

On Fixing Smart Phones

Got a wet cell phone? A shattered screen? These smartphone repair techniques should do the trick.

Restore your charge

If your phone won’t charge when plugged in, the cord might not be the problem. The charging port often accumulates debris which can cause it to charge slower or not at all. Fortunately, there’s a low-tech solution. “You can use a safety pin and run it around the inside of the port on your phone to clear it out,” recommends Shayne Sherman, CEO of TechLoris. “If your phone isn’t charging, give this a try before buying a new cord.

Clean up fuzzy noise

Turned off by inferior sound when you plug speakers into your headphone jack? Dirt can cause your device to stop turning on or prevent you from hearing your phone calls, says Liz Hamilton, director of People and Customers at Mobile Klinik, a mobile phone repair business.

“Cleaning out your charge port can be done carefully with a few quick blasts of compressed air to the area, or even with a Q-tip (remove some of the cotton if you have to get it to fit) and use a high alcohol content cleaner to wipe out the area,” Hamilton says.

Replace a shattered screen

“If you’re tech-savvy and willing to risk your expensive device that has many fragile and tiny parts, you can probably fix a screen yourself,” Hamilton says. But you’ll need the right tools for this smartphone repair job, she adds.

And it’s easier to replace the screen on some devices than others. For iPhones, for example, recommends applying some heat to soften the adhesive, keeping the screen on, and using opening picks to slice the adhesive apart in order to carefully pry the screen off. That said, replacing a cracked screen is more involved on Android devices such as the Samsung Galaxy series, says Craig Lloyd of iFixit. For example, you’ll need to take the back glass panel off first, which adds steps and complexity to the repair.

Resurrect a soaked phone

If your phone takes an unexpected swim, don’t follow the common wisdom to place it in a bag of rice. Instead, the first thing you should do for smartphone repair? Simply remove the phone from the water source and turn the phone off immediately. “Let it dry completely before attempting to turn it back on,” Lloyd says. “You can use a blow dryer on a cool setting to help dry out ports and such.” Some experts also recommend placing the phone in a box with packets of silica gel that come with shoes.

If your phone still isn’t working, though, many experts recommend that the safest bet for water damage is to turn off your phone and take it to a professional. “Good professionals will give you a free diagnosis and quote before any work is done and the best professionals won’t charge you if they can’t fix it, regardless of the efforts they take to save your device,” Hamilton says.

Replace the battery

Wouldn’t it be great if it were as easy to replace the batteries in your phone as it is to switch out the ones in your remote control? Unfortunately, batteries are glued down in most phones, so replacing them is more of an involved process for smartphone repair. iFixit has detailed instructions to replace the battery in a Samsung Galaxy S8. Putting in a new battery is easier in iPhones, however, because they have handy pull tabs on the adhesive that makes battery removal a bit easier, Lloyd says. 

Improve a mediocre lens

Salvage a DVD player’s lens—the little piece that guides the disc-reading laser—and use it on your phone’s camera. Put the lens on top of a small piece of painter’s tape, cut a hole for it to peek through, and mount it over your phone’s lens with extra strips of tape for better pictures. 

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Friday, September 27, 2019

Anemia,How Can It be Prevented

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How Can It be Prevented


Anemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cell count or hemoglobin is less than normal. Hemoglobin is the main part of red blood cells and it binds oxygen. If you have few or abnormal red blood cells, or your hemoglobin is low, the cells in your body will not get enough oxygen. Anemia can last temporarily or for a long-term, and it can range from mild to severe. If you suspect you have anemia, see your doctor immediately because it can be a warning sign of a serious illness. A person who has anemia is called anemic.

Anemia makes a person weak and tired.The person suffering from anemia feels shortness of breath, headaches, fatigue and may have pale skin.The Anemic condition may be temporary or permanent and if it is left untreated might lead to serious illness. Generally it is caused due to the iron deficiency which reduces the count of the haemoglobin. But there are other factors like vitamin deficiency, other diseases which can cause anemia.

The mild form of anemia can be treated but the severe form if left untreated may lead to complications and even death. Certain points to remember about anemia are older adults are prone to the risk of developing anemia by their medical condition and poor diet.
Certain anemic forms are hereditary and there is a chance for infants being affected from their birth. Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common type and mild anemia usually develops during pregnancy and it subdues during postpartum.

Sign and symptoms of anemia

Because a low blood cell count decreases oxygen delivery to every tissue in the body, anemia can cause a variety of signs and symptoms. It can also worsen the state of any other underlying medical condition. If anemia is mild, it may not cause any symptoms. If anemia is chronic, the body may adapt and compensate for the change.Anemia signs and symptoms may vary depending on the cause of the condition. In this case, there may not be any symptoms until anemia becomes more severe. 

Symptoms of severe anemia are as follows:

  • Lack of red blood cells develops many symptoms but some individuals do not experience any symptoms.
  • Paleness in the face, nails or lower inner eyelid is a sign of moderate to severe anemia.
  • Shortness of breath may occur due to the improper supply of oxygen to the muscles and tissues.
  • Since enough oxygen does not reach the brain, the brain vessels start swelling and create pressure, thus develop dizziness and headache.
  • Hair loss happens again due to the lack of oxygen supply to the hair and follicle and scalp. It makes the hair dry and damaged.
  • Restless leg syndrome is experienced with people who have a lack of iron.
  • A swollen, sore and smooth tongue can be seen in anemic deficient persons and even they have cracks on the corners of the mouth.
  • Lack of oxygen induces anxiety level more and the same can be subsided by taking iron supplements
  • Iron is vital for the immune system and the lack of iron leads to various infections in the body.

What are the Causes of Anemia?

Anemia occurs when your body doesn’t have enough red blood cells. This can happen if

Your body doesn’t make enough red blood cells

The bone marrow is essential for the creation of red blood cells. A number         of diseases can affect the bone marrow, including leukemia, where too many         abnormal white blood cells are produced. This disrupts normal production of red blood cells.

Bleeding causes you to lose red blood cells more quickly than they can be replaced

Iron deficient anemia is the most common type of anemia which often falls into this category. It is caused by a shortage of iron, which most often results due to blood loss. Blood loss can be acute and rapid or chronic.      Rapid blood loss can happen at the time of surgery, childbirth, trauma, or aruptured blood vessel.

Megaloblastic anemia is one of the faulty red cell productions and this condition may be mild and easily treatable or stern and require immediate medical intervention.

  • Gastrointestinal tract ulcers, surgeries, injuries tend to a severe loss of blood that leads to anemia. In some cases, blood transfusion is advised to balance the lost blood.
  • Any prolonged medical condition say cancer may lead to anemia which is called anemia of chronic disease.
  • Erythropoietin is a hormone released by the kidneys which help the bone marrow for making red blood cells. People with end-stage renal disease or chronic renal disease will have a diminished hormone. This, in turn, mitigates the RBC production causing anemia which is termed as anemia of chronic kidney disease.
  • Problems in the stomach or intestines lead to poor Vitamin B12 absorption. This vitamin B12 deficiency is called as pernicious anemia.

Your body destroys red blood cells

Red blood cells have a lifespan of 120 days in the bloodstream but they can be destroyed or removed beforehand. In one type of anemia, the body’s immune system mistakenly identifies its own red blood cells as a foreign substance and attacks them. Excessive red blood cell breakdown  can also occur due to infections, the use of certain drugs, snake or spider venom, severe hypertension, and in the case of clotting disorders.

What is Precaution in Anemia?

We should follow some preventive measures in order to say bye to anemia

  • Eat iron-rich diet to combat anemia
  • Lessen the intake of caffeinated items as they make your body harder to absorb iron
  • Intake vitamin C to easily absorb iron into your body
  • Take vitamin and iron supplements
  • Deterring abnormal bleeding by doing surgeries
  • Surgery could be performed to remove the spleen
  • Take precautionary methods if you are working with paint, batteries and petroleum
  • Athletes especially runners are prone to high risk of anemia. This may be caused due to loss of iron through sweat, decreased iron absorption, and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Long-distance runners will face “foot strike hemolysis” in which RBCs are completely destroyed by the running impact. Especially, such individuals should take more iron-rich diet.

What are the Ways for Iron Deficiency Anemia Diagnosis?

Ways for iron deficiency anemia diagnosis
  • A complete blood count will provide overall RBC, WBC and platelet count. If the results confirm anemia, then there are some specific tests to determine the type of anemia.
  • To assess haemoglobin level in the blood, hemoglobin electroscopes is done
  • Your bone marrow red cells production is determined by a reticulocyte count
  • Serum iron and serum ferritin tests help in checking the amount of iron in the blood and body
  • A peripheral blood smear test helps to determine whether anemia caused the changes in your red blood cells shape.
  • Red blood cells fragility is checked with the osmotic fragility test.

Ways for Iron Deficiency Anemia Treatment?

There are a certain set of instructions to be followed while taking iron supplements

  • These tablets should not be taken in the empty stomach as it may upset the stomach
  • Do not take antacids and iron together. Give at least 2-4 hours gap.
  • Take iron tablets along with vitamin C that helps in improving iron absorption

Treatment of anemia

The treatment of anemia varies greatly. First, the underlying cause of anemia needs to be identified and corrected. Most of the times, iron supplements will be needed to correct iron deficiency. In severe anemia, blood transfusions may be necessary. Vitamin B12 injections are necessary in some cases who are suffering from a specific type of anemia.

Prevention of anemia

Many types of anemia can’t be prevented. But iron deficient anemia and vitamin deficient anemia can be avoided by having a diet that includes a variety of vitamins and nutrients, including iron, folate, vitamin B12, and vitamin C.

What are the Natural Remedies for Anemia?

The natural remedies for anemia 

  • The Spleen is responsible for red blood cell production. While nourishing the spleen with healthy food such as pumpkin, butternut and spaghetti squash and bright orange colored foods. Take at least two servings of squash in your daily diet.
  • Increased stress level will deplete the RBCs in the spleen. So, by avoiding anger, anxiety, tension and stress you can overcome anemia.
  • Taking Iron supplements, Vitamin B complex with folate helps in treating anemia.
  • Spinach, sesame seeds, pomegranates, fermented and foods rich in Beta-carotene, citrus fruits, Yogurt, drumstick leaves, Figs, Banana, Raisin, dates are fantastic easily available.

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Know The Surprising Ways By Which These People Got Their Jobs

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           Know The Surprising

                Ways By Which 


                   These People Got    


                     Their Jobs 




Hack the site and redesign some profiles to look like MySpace profiles.That's what Chris Putnam of Austin, Texas, USA, did. When the subterfuge was discovered, executives at Facebook experienced the three stages of 'What the ...!!!' First they were angry. Then they were sort of impressed. That segued into, "Hey, let's hire him!" And they did.


That's what Nick Begley thought. So he designed his resume to look like a chocolate-bar wrapper and folded it around Nestle Crunch bars. He called it a ResumeBar, with the tagline : "Credentials that will satisfy any organization's appetite." One sated organization offered Nick a job.


You can always get your  future boss plastered. Unemployed graphic designer Brennan Gleason combined his love of brewing with his need to put food on the table and created a resume in the form of a four pack of homemade beer. Each bottle of Resum - Ale, as well as the packaging, featured his CV's details, Gleason is no longer unemployed


Social media specialist Adam Pacitti threw himself at the mercy of prospective employers. 

The Brit rented a billboard that screamed: "I spent my last 500 pounds on this billboard. Please give me a job," Sixty companies went to his website,, to offer him a job.

And we like to look ourselves up online. With this in mind, Alec Brownstein bought an ad on Google.

He titled it 'Ian Reichenthal,' then linked it to his own portfolio. Reichenthal, at the same time, was the creative director at an ad agency. 

When he Googled himself, the first result was an ad with his name and Brownstein's resume. " It was great," Reichenthal told CBS, "So unusual and fun," Which is why he hired Brownstein.

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