Thursday, April 9, 2020

Know The Incredible Story Of How Hand Washing Happened

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Know The Incredible Story 


How Hand Washing Happened 

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

We are in the midst of a crisis, with no idea when or how it will end. Coronavirus, COVID-19, is having a global impact not only from a medical standpoint, but also in social, economic and political terms as well. We are seeing individual behavior that ranges from the heroic work of doctors and nurses to the highly irresponsible actions of others. In recent days we’re all watching a world-wide media show called “Amateur Hour”: people who have no scientific qualifications preaching about the causes and solutions to the problems, when we should simply follow the science, and the advice of doctors and scientists with credibility and experience. Perhaps the only thing that all of us understand is this: we must wash our hands far more often than normal to prevent or at least reduce the chances of contracting the virus.

Hand washing, is a simple routine that we learned to do as kids. Our parents would tell us, ‘don’t come to the table unless you’ve washed your hands, I suppose a golden rule from our childhood. But was this always the case? No, someone literally invented the concept of hand washing. And the story of when and how it happened is a pretty incredible one.

Ignac Semmelweis was born in 1818 near Budapest. He graduated in Medicine at age 26, specializing in Obstetrics and in 1846 began working in one of the two maternity wards at the Vienna General Hospital, but during his first month of work he was left traumatized: out of 208 hospitalized women, 36 died, a mortality rate of 17%. Although the hospital was free, built for people in need, many women preferred to give birth to their children on the street, because of the poor reputation of the health facility. Furthermore, Semmelweis notes that in the other maternity ward the mortality rate is much lower.

The doctor was not happy with official explanations without any scientific basis, so Semmelweis sought out rigorous and ascertainable causes that clarify the phenomenon: he noticed that near the maternity ward there was a morgue and that many doctors had got into the habit of both doing autopsies and assisting births. When a colleague cut himself with a scalpel used for an autopsy and died within a few days, Semmelweis noted that the wounds and the infection were the same as those of the women who died in the delivery room and finally senses the source of the problem. He immediately ordered all the doctors and nurses to wash their hands numerous times a day with chlorinated water and, as a result, the mortality rate was drastically reduced, reaching zero after two years.

His discovery (which seems obvious to us, but wasn’t at that time) saved thousands of lives. Ignac shares the results of his discovery with the medical elite of Vienna, stating that the simple act of disinfecting his hands has defeated the scourge of maternal mortality.

If the Nobel Prize for Medicine had existed at the time, don’t you think he would have deserved it? But Semmelweis soon realized that his teachings were not well accepted by the medical community in Vienna, who attack and mock him. He left the General Hospital, which, a year later, returned to its previous mortality rate as doctors and nurses stopped washing their hands. The Viennese medical community became openly hostile, and his book, Die Ätiologie, der Begriff und die Prophylaxe des Kindbettfiebers, was ridiculed and deemed absolutely worthless. Semmelweis fought back, writing fiery letters in which he accuses doctors of being murderers; even his wife begins to doubt his mental health. In 1865, as a trap, he was invited to visit an asylum, where he was locked up against his will, put in a straitjacket, beaten by sadistic nurses and forgotten by everyone, Semmelweis died after two weeks.  

We own an amazing scientific discovery to a Hungarian Doctor, Ignac Semmelveis.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Know How These Daily Used Household Items Can Be Surprisingly Used As Fitness Equipment

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Hey Everyone!,

Know How These Daily Used

Household Items 

Can Be 


Fitness Equipment

 Photo:Sameer/ Adobe Stock

 Photo:Sameer/ Adobe Stock

 Photo:Sameer/ Adobe Stock

 Photo:Sameer/ Adobe Stock

 Photo:Sameer/ Adobe Stock

 Photo:Sameer/ Adobe Stock

Let’s be honest: between the clothes, gadgets and gym membership, working out can get seriously expensive. Luckily, you don’t really need any of those things to start leading a more active life. In fact, your home is filled with free fitness equipment—if you know where to look and how to use them.

Household Items Can Be Used As Fitness Equipment

A Towel

One person’s towel is another person’s resistance band! Use a towel to help with stretching or for a killer arm workout. Looking for a leg challenge? On a smooth floor, assume the plank position with a small towel under each of your feet. Then, in a very slow and controlled manner, try gliding your legs apart and then back together again. Feel the burn!

A Wall

You won’t find a home without at least four of these! Walls provide stability when you’re practicing some stretching, or working your quads and glutes by doing some wall-sits.


Why invest in a StairMaster when you’ve got a perfectly good staircase at home? Walking or running the stairs is a great way to get your heart pumping and glutes burning—without spending a cent.

Soup Cans, Water Bottles or Laundry Detergent Jugs

Treat any of these household items like hand weights or dumbbells. Give your arms a major workout by doing some front raisestricep kickbacks or overhead presses.

A Broom

Besides sweeping, a broom can also give your core, hips and glutes a workout. Next time you’re sweeping the floor, shake things up by adding some hip hinges or oblique twists to your usual routine.

A Chair

A sturdy chair (without wheels) can make an excellent addition to your workout routine, whether you’re trying to perfect your squats or practice some leg raises. Throw a second chair into the mix and practice some tricep dips

A countertop

Strengthen your arms and chest by practicing several sets of countertop push-ups. These are a great activity to sneak in while you’re waiting for water to boil or the oven to pre-heat.
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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Know The Reason Why Your Brain Does Not Want You Making Exercising Workout A Habit

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Hey Everyone!,

Know The Reason Why Your Brain 

Does Not Want You to Making

Exercising Workout 

A Habit

 Photo:Sameer/ Adobe Stock

 Photo:Sameer/ Adobe Stock

Turns out there’s a biological reason why you’d rather sit on the couch than exercise. Here’s what it is—and how to overcome your inertia.

Why your brain hates exercise

When it comes to exercise, many of us spend more time explaining why we don’t have time than actually lacing up our shoes and heading out the door. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, we only need 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week, yet most of us don’t reach that goal. Why? The reason may be that we’re hard-wired to be lazy, despite our best intentions. 
In a new study in the journal Neuropsychologia, University of British Columbia postdoctoral researcher Matthieu Boisgontier, PhD, recruited 29 participants and asked them to look at images of either physical activity or physical inactivity while wearing electrodes that registered their brain activity. The participants were asked to move their on-screen avatars as quickly as they could toward the active pictures and away from the inactive images in one test, and then away from the active photos and toward the inactive ones.
Boisgontier and colleagues found that volunteers moved faster toward physically active pictures than toward the inactive images. The participants, however, also used far more brain activity while moving their avatars away from the inactive images than moving toward them. In other words, the brain worked harder to get away from the sedentary image.
Why do our brains work harder when just considering exercise? The reason may date back to survival instincts. Conserving our physical energy “has been essential for humans’ survival, as it allowed us to be more efficient in searching for food and shelter, competing for sexual partners, and avoiding predators,” Boisgontier explained to Medical News Today. “These results suggest that our brain is innately attracted to sedentary behaviors,” he adds.
The secret to moving more could be as simple as tricking your brain into wanting to work out. In a paper in Current Sports Medicine Reports, author Daniel E. Lieberman, PhD, explains that because our natural inclination is to be lazy, simply telling yourself to exercise more won’t work—you need enticement. The solution is to make your exercise feel more like play; choose something that doesn’t feel like exercise and you’re more likely to do it. 
Another strategy is to intentionally build more activity into your everyday routine. 
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Monday, April 6, 2020

Know Why You Should Keep A Lemon In Your Room While Sleeping

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Hey Everyone!,

Know  Why 

You Should Keep A Lemon 

In Your Room While Sleeping 

 Photo:Sameer/ GETTY IMAGES

 Photo:Sameer/ GETTY IMAGES

Start saving up on lemons!

There are so many more uses for lemons than just being a refreshing sweetener for your water. The beloved fruit can act as a cleaning solution, beauty fix, and even a teeth whitening solution. But did you know that just sleeping next to a cut lemon on your nightstand can reap some of these benefits, as well?

By merely inhaling the scent of a lemon, your body experiences most (if not all) of its beneficial homeopathic purposes. Some of these include decreased anxiety levels, reduced stress, an overall calming sensation, increased alertness, potential reduction of blood pressure, calmed allergies (by reducing airway inflammation), and increased productivity.

“The ‘health benefits’ that everyone is talking about is actually just the effect of aromatherapy,” Diane Elizabeth, founder of Skin Care Ox, told Reader’s Digest. “The idea is that if you place slices of lemon next to your bed, then you will breathe in the subtle scent of lemon at night. Lemon has been used as a powerful aromatherapy essential oil for ages and it has been credited with such benefits as increased concentration, decreased stress levels (most likely the result of increased serotonin production), and a soothing effect on the respiratory system.”

While most of the benefits of sleeping with a cut lemon next to you are health-related, there’s a couple of other benefits, too. One of them is keeping ants away—if you have an ant infestation, simply rub the cut lemon’s juice near or around any possible entries. The lemon’s citrus aroma will disrupt the ants’ scent trail and they’ll avoid that area altogether.

Lemons also act as natural air fresheners and deodorizer—so while that lemon is on your nightstand, it’s playing double duty, freshening the air around you and providing natural aromatherapy. Here are some other simple deodorizer ideas to make your vehicle smell fresh.

Hope convinced you that you need to start saving more lemons in your life?

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