Friday, May 22, 2020

Know Understand Learn How These Foods Can Help Prevent Mosquito Bug Bites Insect Stings

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Hey Everyone,

 Know Understand Learn

How These Foods Can 

Help Prevent  

Mosquito Bug Bites 

Insect Stings

Can eating certain foods help prevent bug bites? You bet! Start chomping on these foods before your next outdoor adventure to prevent uncomfortable bites.


Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Several days before you take a camping or hiking trip into bug-filled territory, start eating garlic. Have a clove or two every day. As you sweat out the garlic odour, it repels many insects. Maybe this is where the myth of garlic repelling bloodsuckers came from.


Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

If your skin feels like it's burning up from too much sun exposure or if itchy bug bites are driving you crazy, try using a little milk paste for soothing relief. Mix one part powdered milk with two parts water and add a pinch or two of salt. Dab it on the burn or bite. The enzymes in the milk powder will help neutralize the insect-bite venom and help relieve sunburn pain.


Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

For relief from the itching of mosquito and chigger bites, soak the area in salt water, then apply a coating of lard or vegetable oil.

Olive Oil

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

It's so satisfying to watch birds enjoying the garden bath you provide. But unfortunately, that still water is a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Floating a few tablespoons of vegetable or olive oil on the surface of the water will help keep mosquitoes from using the water, and it won't bother the birds. But it's still important to change the water twice a week so any larvae don't have time to hatch.


Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Rubbing a slice of onion over your skin can be a good way to keep away mosquitoes and other biting insects.

Orange and Lemon Peels

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock 

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

If you're not crazy about the idea of rubbing onions all over yourself to keep away mosquitoes, you may be happy to know that you can often get similar results by rubbing fresh orange peels or lemon peels over your exposed skin. It's said that mosquitoes and gnats are totally repulsed by either scent.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Planning a camping trip? Here's an old army trick to keep away the ticks and mosquitoes

Approximately three days before you leave, start taking 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar three times a day. Continue using the vinegar throughout your trek, and you just might return home without a bite. 

Another time honoured approach to keep gnats and mosquitoes at bay is to moisten a cloth or cotton ball with white vinegar and rub it over your exposed skin.


Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Everybody likes the smell of vanilla. Everybody but bugs, that is. Dilute 1 tablespoon vanilla extract with 1 cup water and wipe the mixture on your exposed skin to discourage mosquitoes, blackflies, and ticks.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Now Use These Helpful Ideas Ways To Make Work From Home Methodiology More Worthwhile

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Hey Everyone,

Now Use These


Ideas Ways To Make 

Working From Home 


More Worthwhile

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Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Across the country, many states have started the early phases of reopening but most corporations haven’t asked remote workers to return to the office just yet.
In fact, several tech companies such as Google and Facebook recently announced that they would continue to allow employees to work from home until 2021. Twitter is offering employees the additional option to work from home permanently, if their job allows for it. Virtual working appears to be a better and easier solution than reconfiguring office spaces to adhere to social distancing guidelines and managing the myriad of challenges that come with trying to ensure employees aren’t exposed to unnecessary risks.

While the timeline to return to the office for other industries and locations remains unclear, many people are slowly realizing that they’ll be working from home a lot longer than they had originally planned. If you are in this position, here are tips to help you assess and tweak your current routine to create a sustainable plan for working from home going forward.
Learn how to leave the office
Beyond social distancing, remote working has several benefits. Many people are more productive and efficient when working from home and it also provides the much-needed flexibility right now to manage increased household and caretaking tasks.
But there are downsides as well, such as an inability to set boundaries and check out of work at the end of the day. While it may have been common for you to leave the office and still engage in a few work-related tasks from home, having to leave a physical office space gave you a clear indication that the most demanding part of your workday was complete; leaving the office forced you to take a substantial break while you transitioned into your personal life.
Without the action of leaving the office, you may find yourself harboring the feeling that you are constantly available to your boss and teammates and you may end up working longer than you should.
One way to avoid this is by having a specific trigger that lets you know that it is time to leave the office. If you have a dedicated office space, you can try to limit work to that space only and not bring your work smartphone or laptop outside of that room in the evening.
Another option is to put on an article of clothing that clearly marks your time in the office, such as a hat, scarf or vest that you can remove and put on daily to remind yourself that your work day has begun or ended.
Either of these options helps you train your brain to know that you are off and helps you reclaim your downtime at the end of the day.
Address your unmet needs
Simply plopping down to work from any free space in your house can meet your needs for a few weeks, but if the place you choose to work lacks the functional and esthetic requirements of an office you may already be struggling with environmental fatigue.
Take the time now to consider if you might be more effective working in another room, facing a different direction, or using other office products. Yes, it’s a hassle to reconfigure your space and it may feel strange to pick up a new routine, but don’t simply accept that what you have been doing is the only way. Pause and reconsider the space you are using and invest the time in trying out new arrangements.
Consider going further with your adjustments, because you shouldn’t downplay the importance of beautifying a space. It is taken for granted that physical office locations tend to be tidy, have greenery and may even have been professionally designed for functionality and beauty. At home, you are on your own to recreate the best work setting for you. So if you’ve been putting off moving clutter out of your workspace or making other visual improvements, now may be the best time to get to them.
3. Use your vacation days to reset
I understand why you don’t want to take vacation days right now. Sitting at home like you do every day seems like a waste of your limited vacation time. There’s also a fair amount of pressure to keep adding value at your company in a period when many people fear layoffs.
But there are also several reasons why you should take a vacation in the near future. Everyone needs a break from the continuous demands of work. Keep in mind that even if you must stay at home, one of the best things about going on vacation is simply being off work. Turning on your out of office reply and knowing that you are not available to others is a thrill all by itself.
Taking vacation days also helps your mind and body reset. You are sure to lose stamina in your job if you try to handle both the stress of living through a pandemic and your full workload indefinitely. You need to build in time to take a step back from at least some part of this experience. You probably can’t make the newly created burdens of homeschooling or needing to provide remote care to family and friends disappear, so checking out of work for a few days or a week is the easiest way to reduce your cognitive and emotional load. Don’t underestimate the power of giving yourself the space to rest even if it can’t be as much of a vacation as you would like.
No matter what you decide about changing your current routine, make sure you are thoughtfully considering what you have already been through and what you will need going forward to make this new arrangement work best for you.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Know About The Impact Of Contact Lenses On Our Health And Cost On Environment

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Hey Everyone,

                  Know About The Impact 


                  Contact Lenses On 

                       Our  Health 


               Cost On Environment 

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Help your eyesight and help the environment by not flushing contact lenses down the toilet.

If you wear contacts, you know where this is going. After a long day of working and having a bit of downtime in the evening, it’s time to remove your contact lenses and either place it back into the appropriate storage container or dispose of it accordingly. You might think throwing the used contact lenses away in the garbage is the most practical thing to do, however, some people tend to flush contact lenses away in the toilet or wash it down the sink. If you’re in either category, it’s time to stop. 

What Are Contact Lenses Made Of ?

Not all contact lenses are made equal. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), contact lenses can fall into two categories: soft and rigid gas permeable (RGP). Soft contact lenses are made out of a specific kind of plastic called hydrophilic plastics that are better at absorbing water. You’ve probably experienced the discomfort of wearing a contact lens that has dried out. If the hydrophilic plastics remain wet, then the contact lenses will continue to be soft. If you wear your contact lenses for a longer, extended period of time, then the soft contact lenses contain hydrophilic plastics as well as silicone hydrogel which helps your eyes receive more oxygen and can be more comfortable to wear. Due to the hardy and durable nature of rigid gas permeable lenses, they tend to last longer than soft contact lenses. However, this kind of lens is made out of acrylate, silicone, and fluorine, so it’s a bit more hard or rigid, hence the name. 

What do contact lenses have to do with the environment?

If you think it’s not a big deal to throw away a pair of contact lenses down the drain, think again. In research presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society, a study by Rolf Halden, a professor and director of the Center for Environmental Health Engineering at Arizona State University’s Biodesign Institute, found that in the United States alone, about 15 to 20 percent of people who wear contact lenses choose to discard the lenses in the sink or toilet.

While it may seem like a low number percentage-wise, it’s actually a lot larger than you may think since in the United States about 45 million people wear contact lenses. Those lenses that are flushed down the toilet and washed down the sink end up in wastewater treatment plants, resulting in about six to ten metric tons of plastic lenses each year in the United States. 

“When the plastic loses some of its structural strength, it will break down physically. This leads to smaller plastic particles which would ultimately lead to the formation of microplastics,” Varun Kelkar, a member of the team, said in a press release from the American Chemical Society. “Aquatic organisms can mistake microplastics for food and since plastics are indigestible, this dramatically affects the marine animals’ digestive system. These animals are part of a long food chain. Some eventually find their way to the human food supply, which could lead to unwanted human exposures to plastic contaminants and pollutants that stick to the surfaces of the plastics.” 

What are microplastics and how bad is it for the environment?

Plastic can come in all shapes and sizes, but according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, microplastics are about the same size as a sesame seed or less than five millimeters in length. Microplastics have already been found in numerous marine mammalsand in the skies due to flying insects, so it was only a matter of time until microplastics wound up in the human body and subsequently in human stool.You may know that plastic is bad for the environment, but you should also know that it’s easier than you think to give up using plastic in everyday life. 

How you can help the environment

If you shouldn’t flush contact lenses away in your toilet or sink, and you shouldn’t throw it away in the garbage, then how do you properly dispose of contact lenses? Fortunately, you’re able to recycle your contact lenses and most packages. If you’re tired of wearing contacts, it’s not such a bad thing to switch over to glasses. 

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