Sunday, March 29, 2020

Know And Understand How To Boost Your Immune System To Improve Your Health

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Hey Everyone!,

Know And Understand 

How To Boost Your Immune System 

To Improve Your Health 
 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock
 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

How to boost your immune system to avoid colds and Coronavirus

You’re washing your hands 10 times a day and have stopped touching your face. What else can you do to improve your health and avoid bugs?

It’s been a long, wet winter. Everybody has got colds, and now we are braced for a coronavirus epidemic. Boosting our immune system has rarely felt more urgent, but, beyond eating more tangerines and hoping for the best, what else can we do?

Sheena Cruickshank, a professor of immunology at the University of Manchester, has a “shocking cold” when we speak at a safe distance, over the phone. To know how to take care of your immune system, she says, first you need to understand the weapons in your armoury – a cheeringly impressive collection, it turns out.
“When you come into contact with a germ you’ve never met before,” she says, “you’ve got various barriers to try to stop it getting into your body.” As well as skin, we have mucus – “snot is a really important barrier” – and a microbiome, the collective noun for the estimated 100tn microbes that live throughout our bodies, internally and externally. Some of these helpful bugs make antimicrobial chemicals and compete with pathogens for food and space.
Beneath these writhing swamps of mucus and microbes, our bodies are lined with epithelial cells which, says Cruickshank, “are really hard to get through. They make antimicrobial products including, most relevant to coronavirus, antiviral compounds that are quite hostile.”
If a pathogen breaches these defences, it has to deal with our white blood cells, or immune cells. One type, called macrophages, inhabit all our body tissue and, says Cruickshank, “have all these weapons ready to go, but they’re not terribly precise”. They report to the cleverer, adaptive white blood cells known as lymphocytes. They are the ones that remember germs, “so if you meet that germ again,” says Cruickshank, “they’ll just deal with it probably without you even knowing. That’s when you’ve got immunity and is the basis of vaccination. It’s trying to bypass all the early stuff and create the memory, so you don’t have to be sick.”
Our immune systems may have blind spots. “This might mean that our immune response doesn’t recognise certain bugs,” she says, “or the bugs have sneaky evasion strategies. Personally, my immune system is not necessarily very good at seeing colds.” But a healthy lifestyle will ensure your defences are as good as they get.
Seeing as our bodies contain more cells belonging to microbes, such as bacteria and yeasts, than human ones, let’s start with the microbiome. “We live in a symbiotic relationship with our gut bacteria,” says Prof Arne Akbar, the president of the British Society for Immunology and a professor at University College, London. “Having the right ones around, that we evolved with, is best for our health. Anything we do that alters that can be detrimental.”
Not only do our microbes form protective barriers, they also programme our immune systems. Animals bred with no microbiome have less well developed immune responses. Older people, and those with diseases that are characterised by inflammation, such as allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes, tend to have less varied gut microbiomes.
To feed your gut flora, Cruickshank recommends “eating a more varied diet with lots of high-fibre foods”. Being vegetarian isn’t a prerequisite for microbiome health, but the more plant foods you consume, the better. “The microbiome really likes fibre, pulses and fermented foods,” she adds.
Kefir yoghurt and pickles such as sauerkraut and kimchi are among the fermented delicacies now fashionable thanks to our increasing knowledge of the microbiome. But the evidence for taking probiotic supplements, she says, “is mixed”. It’s not a dead cert that they will survive the journey through your digestive tract, or that they will hang around long enough if they do. “It’s more effective to change your diet,” says Cruickshank.
The skin microbiome is important, too, but we know less about it. High doses of ultraviolet light (usually from the sun) can affect it negatively, weakening any protective functions (as well as triggering immune suppression in the skin itself). Overwashing with strong soaps and using antibacterial products is not friendly to our skin microbiomes. “Combinations of perfumes and moisturisers might well also have an effect,” says Cruickshank.
To be immunologically fit, you need to be physically fit. “White blood cells can be quite sedentary,” says Akbar. “Exercise mobilises them by increasing your blood flow, so they can do their surveillance jobs and seek and destroy in other parts of the body.” The NHS says adults should be physically active in some way every day, and do at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity (hiking, gardening, cycling) or 75 minutes of vigorous activity (running, swimming fast, an aerobics class).
The advice for older people, who are more vulnerable to infection, is to do whatever exercise is possible. “Anything’s better than nothing,” says Akbar. But a lifetime’s exercise could significantly slow your immune system declining with age. In 2018, a study by University of Birmingham and King’s College London found that 125 non-smoking amateur cyclists aged 55 to 79 still had the immune systems of young people.
The other side of the coin, says Akbar, “is elite athletes who become very susceptible to infections because you can exercise to a point where it has a negative impact on your immune system.” This problem is unlikely to affect most of us unless, says Cruickshank, “you’re a couch potato and suddenly try and run a marathon, this could introduce stress hormones and be quite bad for your immune system”.
One of the many happy side-effects of exercise is that it reduces stress, which is next on our list of immune-boosting priorities. Stress hormones such as cortisol can compromise immune function, a common example of which, says Akbar, is when chickenpox strikes twice. If you have had it, the virus never completely goes away. “During periods of stress,” he says, “it can reactivate again and we get shingles.”
Forget boozing through the coronavirus crisis, because heavy drinking also depletes our immune cells. “Some studies have suggested that the first-line-of-defence macrophages are not as effective in people who have had a lot of alcohol,” says Cruickshank. “And there’s been suggestions that high alcohol consumption can lead to a reduction of the lymphocytes as well. So if the bug gets into you, you’re not going to be as good at containing and fighting it off.”
Cruickshank says that vitamin D has become a hot topic in immunology. “It is used by our macrophages, and is something that people in Britain can get quite low on in the winter.” Necking extra vitamin C, however, is probably a waste of time for well-fed westerners. It’s not that vitamin C isn’t crucial to immune function (and other things, such as bone structure). “All the vitamins are important,” says Cruickshank, “but vitamin C is water soluble, it’s not one that your body stores.” Eating your five a day of fruits and vegetables is the best way to maintain necessary levels.
Exercising and eating well will have the likely knock-on effect of helping you sleep better, which is a bonus because a tired body is more susceptible to bugs. One study last year found that lack of sleep impaired the disease-fighting ability of a type of lymphocyte called T cells, and research is demonstrating the importance of our natural biorhythms overall.
Janet Lord, a professor at the University of Birmingham, recently showed that vaccinating people in the morning is more effective than doing so in the afternoon. “Your natural biorhythms are, to some extent, dictated by sleep,” says Akbar. “If you’ve got a regular sleep pattern, you have natural body rhythms and everything’s fine. If they go out of kilter, then you’ve got problems.”
The seriousness of an infection largely depends on the dose you are hit with, which could in turn depend on how contagious the carrier is when they cough near you. “We’re constantly exposed to germs, and we only get sick from a handful of those,” says Cruickshank.
If you’re reasonably young and healthy, says Akbar, the mild benefits you may achieve from being extra good probably won’t fend off a severe dose of coronavirus or flu. The likely scenario if you catch the infection is, he says, “you’ll be sick for a while and you will recover”.
From a public-health perspective, when nasty viruses such as coronavirus are doing the rounds, Akbar’s priority is not boosting already healthy people’s immune systems, “but protecting the vulnerable people. Older people don’t respond that well to the flu jab, though it’s better for them to have it than not. It’s a general problem of immune decline with ageing.”
When we get older, he says, the barrier function in the gut doesn’t work that well, “so you have something called leaky gut syndrome, where bugs creep into our bodies causing mild infections”. This causes inflammation around the body, as does the natural accumulation of old “zombie” cells, called senescent cells, and inflammation compromises the immune response.
Akbar is working on developing drug treatments to reduce inflammation in older people but they are a way off yet. Age 65 is when, medically, one is considered older, “but that’s arbitrary”, says Akbar. “Some old people might get problems much earlier. And there are older people who are totally healthy.”
“In terms of coronavirus,” says Cruickshank, “it’s mostly spread by droplet transmission, as far as we can tell, so the biggest thing is hygiene.” So wash your hands, and sneeze and cough into tissues, she suggests, between sniffles. No one can completely avoid getting sick, not even top immunologists.

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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Know How Facebook Is Secretly Keeping A Watch On You Learn How To Stop It

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Hey Everyone!,

                 Know How Facebook Is                                  
                   Secretly Keeping A Watch 

                          On You 

                     Learn How To Stop It

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock
Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock
It is possibly the worst kept secret in tech that Facebook is spying on you. Mark Zuckerberg is keen to know absolutely everything about you, he is prepared to go to some pretty shameful lengths do so like tracking people’s smartphones who don’t even have the Facebook app, and then when he gets your personal data he’s not exactly careful with what he does with it or who he shares it with. Everybody remembers the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Yep, this is all known and this probably why you want to stop Facebook tracking you and collecting your private data.
It is possible to stop Facebook spying on you and by the end of this article you’ll know how to do it. Let’s get started.

How and why Facebook tracks your data

Facebook makes more money, the more information it knows about you. The more accurate the data, the higher price they can charge advertisers to access it. That is why Facebook doesn’t just track people who actually use Facebook. Sure, Facebook is very good at tracking Facebook users by their Facebook accounts, likes and sharesFacebook cookies, and then also tracks users across other apps it owns like Instagram and WhatsApp.
Facebook goes further than this though, giving third-party websites what it calls a Facebook Pixel, which allows the site owners to analyze the effectiveness of their ad campaigns. Facebook of course, uses this data too meaning it has data on anybody visiting any sites with a Facebook Pixel. This all means it is difficult to stop Facebook tracking your data, but, importantly, it can be done.

How to block Facebook tracking your data

Opt out of ads

Your web behavior follows you around wherever you go. Advertisers want to get their hands on this so that they can show you relevant ads for products that your behavior tells them you want or need. This is the basic formula that pays for the modern internet as we know it today. You can opt out of this ad tracking relationship, however, by using certain online tools that are different depending on where you are around the world. Doing so will put up a block to the tracking that Facebook carries out. You’ll still get Facebook ads, they just won’t be target ads based on you data.
If you’re in Europe, you can opt out of advertising based on your web behavior by going to the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance homepage. If you’re in the USA, you can opt out by heading over to the Digital Advertising Alliance. The name of the organization Canada is the same as it is the USA; click here to go to the Canadian Digital Advertising Alliance.
As we’ve just mentioned, however, this underpins the whole of the modern internet so don’t expect this process to be easy. Stick with it though, and you will get it done.
Browser plugins
Your browser is Facebook’s main tool for tracking your online behavior. This means you can set up your browser to be your first line of defense. You can use third-party plugins to add certain protections that will block tracking protocols.
Limiting scripts
One such protocol that you can limit to better protect your privacy is the scripts. Scripts can alert advertising trackers to your presence whenever you log on to a website. This means if you block a website’s scripts, you can prevent the advertising trackers from knowing you’re there.
An excellent free plugin you can install on ChromeFirefoxOpera, and Safari for free is uBlock Origin, which gives you the option to block scripts across all sites and then white list sites you can trust. Another fantastic little plugin you can use is Privacy Badger, which is very easy to use. If you’re reading here about advertising trackers and scripts and thinking you’re out of your league, then this is the plugin for you. Privacy Badger makes it very easy for you to control which scripts track what. It is important you get this right because many basic web functions rely on scripts so blocking the wrong ones could be like shutting off the internet.

Automatic cookie deletion

Another type of plugin you can download will address a problem you probably know more about. Cookies are much more well known than website scripts. Cookies remember the choices and actions you make on certain websites and Facebook can then read these to get an understanding of your online behavior.

If you’re a Firefox or Microsoft Edge user, you can set your browser to automatically delete your third-party cookies every time you close your web browser. You can find a guide on how to do this for both browsers here. If you’re a Chrome user, however, there is no such option. Fortunately, though, there is a browser plugin you can download for Chrome, imaginatively called Cookie AutoDelete that will do the trick. Install it and set it up on your Chrome browser to fight back against Facebook.

Dedicated privacy-protecting browser

Another great option for making it much more difficult for social networks like Facebook to track your online activity is to use a browser that is dedicated to protecting your privacy. This will mean ditching Google Chrome, as Google is perhaps the only other company on the planet that is as good as Facebook is at tracking your data. In this regard,strongly recommend the Brave browser, which is committed to protecting your privacy.

Brave does not collect any user data, unlike Chrome, and comes ready-made to block third-party and advertising cookies. This means you don’t have to worry about which security plugins or addons to install as all the functions are already a part of the Brave browser. Brave is actually trying to readjust the modern internet model that we described earlier and push web developers to rely less on advertising by offering something called Brave rewards instead. If this mission is successful, you won’t need to block Facebook tracking as it won’t be such a lucrative business anymore. What’s even better about Brave is that it is based on the opensource Chromium code that built Google Chrome meaning it also works with your Chrome browser plugins too.

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Friday, March 27, 2020

Know What to Purchase Buy Stock and What to Skip Jump Over And Understand How To Make Life Work During Self Quarantine From Experts and Folks People Actually in Quarantine

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Hey Everyone!,

Know What to Purchase Buy Stock 

And What to Skip Jump Over 

And Understand

How To Make Life Work

During Self Quarantine 

From Experts and Folks People

Actually in Quarantine 

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Advice from people in quarantine about what you actually need — and how to make life work

The World Health Organization has officially declared COVID-19 a pandemic, and if you’ve been hoping you can ignore coronavirus and it’ll just go away without affecting you or your family in some way, that’s looking less and less likely. But that isn’t to say you need to buy a deep freezer and build a storehouse in your backyard. So where should you begin, and how can you approach preparation without driving yourself up the wall?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has offered up guidance on how to prepare for an outbreak near you, including making a plan with your family, practicing good health and hygiene habits, and checking in with vulnerable people in your community. They also have instructed people in at-risk groups (like the immunocompromised, the elderly, and those with chronic health conditions) to stock up on supplies like nonperishable foods.
Since things are moving quickly, it’s not a bad idea to stock up a bit before the virus hits your area, since social distancing (which can include limiting your visits to, say, crowded supermarkets and pharmacies) is such a helpful preventive measure, and you may need to self-quarantine with limited notice. In case you do have to hole up for a while, here’s what you may need to make it, well, suck less — based on advice from experts and folks who’ve actually been in quarantine.
There’s already been a run on toilet paper and paper towels — for good reason.

A sensible grocery list

“It’s about stocking your pantry in a smart way, but also cooking with the stuff you already have in the house,” says Dawn Perry, a food writer who’s currently working on a pantry cookbook. Here’s her quick-and-dirty rundown of what you may need, including staples and flavor boosters so you’re not just stuck eating black beans out of a can:

  • Dry grains: Rice, quinoa, oats, cornmeal (for polenta).
  • Beans: dried or canned.
  • Tinned fish: tuna, tasty cans of smoked sardines, or mackerel.
  • A couple varieties of nut butter and tahini.
  • Flour (you can add water, salt, and a leavening agent like baking soda or powder to make biscuits, tortillas, and crackers).
  • Eggs.
  • Onions (they keep for weeks when stored in a cool, dark place).
  • Garlic.
  • Potatoes.
  • Boxed cereal.
  • Hardy veggies: broccoli, celery, carrots, and kale (they stay fresh for a long time in your fridge).
  • Bananas (when they start to turn, freeze for smoothies or bake into banana bread).
  • Frozen peas (add to soups and pastas).
  • Frozen sausage (just one link can go a long way in adding flavor to a dish).
  • Bag of frozen shrimp.
  • Sliced bread (pop it in your freezer, will last a long time).
  • Taste boosters: soy sauce, mayo, ketchup, fruit jam, Dijon mustard, Parmesan cheese, olives, capers.

First aid kit

No matter what is happening — pandemic or regular day — “it’s prudent for every household to have basic essentials on hand to care for a minor emergency, such as a cut, burn, or insect sting,” says Brad Uren, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School. (And while you should, of course, seek medical care if you need it, for minor issues you can treat at home, it’s preferable not to visit a health care facility right now if you don’t have to.) A standard first aid kit will have what you need.

Extra supply of needed medication

Make sure you have a few weeks of vital medications on hand, says Uren. Mail-order pharmacies, which often dole out 90-day supplies when available, may be an option for certain people, depending on what type of medication they’re taking and insurance, he says. If you’re having trouble making this happen (insurance doesn’t always make it easy), get on the phone with a pharmacist.

OTC meds and other symptom treatments

Should you get sick, you’ll want to have the right supplies on hand to treat your symptoms, says Aaron Reddington of the survival blog the Simple Prepper. Make sure you have things like a thermometer, OTC fever reducers (acetaminophen and ibuprofen), sports drinks for rehydrating, and the bland foods you want when you have no appetite, like crackers, he says.

Hygiene stuff

There’s already been a run on toilet paper and paper towels — for good reason. “While everyone has reacted and bought toilet paper and paper towels, unfortunately, I think you need to roll with the punches and buy some as well,” says Reddington. “It would be terrible to be stuck in your home for weeks without any, and while it may sound ridiculous [to stock up], worst-case scenario is that you have extra,” he says.

We also tend not to buy other personal hygiene products until just before we run out, adds Todd Sepulveda, the editor of Prepper Website and the host of the Prepper Website Podcast. Check to make sure that you have the hand soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and bodywash you need, he says. If you get a period, then pick up some extra tampons or pads — or go for something reusable such as a menstrual cup, like the DivaCup, or period underwear, like Thinx.


Grab an extra box or two. You’ll want to make sure you’re always sneezing and coughing into a tissue, says Uren. Then, throw it away — don’t stuff it in your pocket to reuse later.

A healthy perspective

Take comfort in the experience of Rebekah, 35, who has been under a government-mandated quarantine in her home in the Guangdong province in China with her husband and children since January 21. “As soon as we realized the seriousness of the situation here, my husband purchased food staples, like rice, flour, and oil to help get us through in the event that supplies became limited,” she says. “After about the first two weeks veggies, fruits, bread, and other fresh foods were back in stock and we have not experienced any shortages of food or supplies,” she says.

Games and craft supplies

If you have kids and their school gets closed, prepare to keep busy during a quarantine. “We haven’t lacked anything physical but have had to draw on all our powers of creativity to keep ourselves and them entertained,” says Rebekah. Card games, board games, crafts, making blanket forts, building block towers, and riding scooters around the living room are some activities that bring fun into their daily lives. Even if you don’t have kids, think about ways to keep yourself occupied. “If people have to be quarantined for a while, they might get bored of Netflix and surfing the internet,” says Sepulveda. He recommends making sure you have books to read and supplies for hobbies at the ready so you can stay entertained and engaged.
“Unless the water from your faucet is not already safe, you don’t need to buy bottled water.”


Writing letters or creating art for others fills time and connects, which is especially important for loved ones feeling sick or isolated. It’s a great educational activity for kids, too. Stock a variety of envelopes, so you don’t have to fold those full-page masterpieces.

Batteries and light bulbs

Have enough batteries on hand to keep your ramped-up indoor and outdoor activities running, including remote controls, your computer mouse, baby monitors, hearing aids, flashlights, sump pumps or anything else that requires a boost of power. Also check that your go-to light bulb supply has a few extras given the higher-than-usual need, to ensure your home stays well-lit during containment.
An office work-from-home plan
Not all jobs can be done remotely, but even some of the ones that theoretically can still might not be set up for actual WFH success. Emily, who’s in the creative industry, has been in voluntary quarantine from working at her New York City office for nearly two weeks after coming home from a trip to Italy. She remains symptom-free, so she can go about her day as she chooses (still doing so responsibly, of course, so as not to put others at risk). But working from home has been a huge challenge. “There’s no structure in place and no way to collaborate with co-workers who aren’t in quarantine,” she says. “People keep asking me how my ‘second vacation’ is going. It’s not a vacation,” says Emily. To ensure things go more smoothly, talk to your supervisor about making a telecommuting plan; and think about how to set up your workspace and your own approach to work to maximize your productivity.

A pet carrier

Emily has resisted stocking up on special items — except for one: a cat carrier. Should she need to leave her place for some time, she’ll be able to bring her cat along without trouble or worry.

Supplies You Can Skip:

  • Water

“Unless the water from your     faucet is not already safe, you   don’t need to buy bottled   water,” says Sepulveda.
  • Hand sanitizer

Yes, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol is recommended. However, these are nearly impossible to find right now, and you don’t need to stress yourself out searching. “Hand sanitizer can be used if soap and water are not available, but it is not necessary,” says Uren.
  • Masks

Unless a medical professional has ordered you to wear them, hoarding masks (and sanitizer) can put others at risk. “If these critical supplies are not available to the people providing one-on-one bedside care, it could increase the risk of spread of infectious diseases in the community,” says Uren.

A final note

Buy only what you need. Remember that we have a responsibility as citizens to think about everyone else, too. Maybe buying a few weeks’ worth of toilet paper is okay, but you don’t need 200 extra rolls. Save some for others who also want to be comfortable should they have to hole up at home for a while.
The coronavirus outbreak is rapidly evolving. To stay informed, check the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as your local health department for updates. If you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed, reach out to the Crisis Text Line.

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