Saturday, April 27, 2019

How Is There Is A Magic In Questioning When Starting with your Dream Job or New Job

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Questions To Ponder When Starting with your Dream Job or New Job

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

We all wish to end up in a job which we are passionate about and love. To be the candidate for the company of one’s choice, one needs to prepare objectively and earnestly.

Once You have Landed your Dream Job.Your "OMG I Just Found My Dream Job"

What Next 

The actions you take during your first few months in a new job have a major impact on your success or failure. Build positive momentum early on and it will propel you through your tenure. Make some early missteps and you could face an uphill battle for the rest of your time in the job.

The biggest challenge leaders face during these periods is staying focused on the right things. You are drinking from the proverbial fire hose while trying to get settled and figure out how to start to have an impact. It’s easy to take on too much or to waste your precious time. So, it helps to have a set of questions to guide you. Here are the five most important ones to ask…and keep on asking on a regular basis:

How will I create value?

This is the single most important question. Why were you put in this role? What do key stakeholders expect you to accomplish? In what timeframe? How will your progress be assessed? As you seek to answer this question, keep in mind that the real answer may not be what you were told when you were appointed or recruited for the job; it may also evolve as things progress and you learn more. Remember, too, that you will probably have multiple stakeholders to satisfy, not just your boss, and that they may have divergent views of what constitutes “success.” It’s essential to understand the full set of expectations so you can reconcile and satisfy them to the greatest degree possible.

How am I expected to behave?

Unless you have been hired to change the culture of your new organization, you should strive to understand and conform to its most important norms of behavior. Think of culture as the organization’s immune system. It exists, in large measure, to prevent “wrong thinking” and “wrong behaving” from infecting the social organism. So you violate key norms of behavior at your peril; becoming viewed as “not belonging here” can lead to isolation and, ultimately, to derailment. As you seek to understand key norms, keep in mind that they may differ across the organization. It may also depend on the level at which you are operating: success after promotion may depend, in no small measure, on you “showing up” in different ways.

Whose support is critical? 

Your success is likely to depend on people over whom you have no direct authority; so, you need to build alliances. The starting point for doing this is to understand the political landscape of your new organization and learn to navigate it. Who has power and influence? Whose support is crucial and why? Armed with insight into the who, you can focus on how you will secure their backing. Usually this involves more than just building relationships. You need to understand what others are trying to accomplish and how you can help them. Reciprocity is the firmest foundation on which to build allies.

How will I get some early wins?

Leaders in transition energize people by getting early wins — quick, tangible improvements in the organization that create a sense of momentum. Done well, they build your credibility, accelerate your learning, and win you the right to make deeper changes in the organization. So, you need to identify the most promising ways to make a quick, positive impact and then organize to do so as efficiently and effectively as possible.

What skills do I need to develop to excel in this role?

As Marshall Goldsmith, the renowned executive coach put it, “What got you here, won’t get you there.” The skills and abilities that got you to this point in your career may not be the ones (or all of the ones) you need to be successful in your new job, and it’s all too easy to fall into the comfort-zone trap. Put another way, to become fully effective in your new role, you will probably have to do some personal development. This doesn’t mean you can’t get off to a good start immediately, but the sooner you understand what new capabilities you need to develop to excel in the role, the better. Failure to grasp this essential point diminishes the potential for future career advancement.

Ask yourself these five questions as you start a new role and keep asking them on a regular basis. Set aside 30 minutes at the end of each week to reflect on whether the answers are still clear or have changed in any way. Doing so will enable you to stay on the right track through your transition and beyond.

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Bye for Know,


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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

How This Short Story Changed my Thinking / Behaviour for the better

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Transformative Short Story

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

I am so Hungry

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

the pizza guy finally arrives

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

If you're in India, if you're Hungry AND if it's Wednesday.

Domino's is what you're looking for.


So I call up Domino's and order 2 large pizzas (well that effectively 1 pizza, as you're not paying for the other). On an average, it takes about 40 minutes but never exceeds an hour. Meh, I wouldn't be typing this down "a life-changing story" if it were average.

9 pm

Pizza not yet delivered. Not a call. Not a correspondence.

9.30 pm

An hour and a half. A Test of patience. I ring them up. Claiming it's Wednesday and a typical rush hour, they apologize, instill a fake will-be-there-in-half-an-hour hope and I give in. (Half an hour delay vs. A free Large pizza ?.. Half an hour delay)


I umm... fall asleep wake up at about 10.15. Realizing it was 45 minutes since I called them and more than 2 hours since I placed my order ..... I call 'em up again and am told that my pizza has left and is on its way. 2 mins later I get a call from the delivery guy (Ahhh.. Finally) who asks me if I could collect my order from IIT* (which is about 20 mins away) as the management guys messed up orders ....orplace a similar order the next morning. Frustrated, agitated and pissed beyond comprehension.... I blast at the guy harping on the " I shall not be victim to your inefficiency, GET ME MY ORDER NOW".


By now, I was the only person in my home still awake in hope of that pizza.

I get a call from the delivery guy as he tries to locate my address in the labyrinth of dark lampless streets. Even before I guide him, I narrate my misery almost abusing him and his inefficient system. Decibel level: 120. 


I collect the order, refraining myself from abusing him anymore. Paid about Rs.600. The guy's apologetic but still has a comforting smile.

You've read this far. "So what's life-changing" you ask ?



Delivery Guy : (with an earnest smile) Sir, how is the Pizza ?

Me : Uh.. I haven't tried it yet. It's in the oven.

Delivery Guy : Sir, we're extremely sorry for the inconvenience. Here's the refund. (Hands me the cash I paid him.) Thank you for choosing Domino's Pizza

Well I was simple plain baffled. There was a myriad of a feelings... the joy of the pizza, the joy of the 1 pizza free and then the joy of both pizzas free. But what was killing me was the sorrow, the guilt of shouting and nearly abusing someone who was working overtime, just to make ends meet, just to make sure that his customers and not just his loved ones didn't sleep hungry.

I wanted to invite the guy in and share a slice of pizza or two with him or at least hug him.. somehow this 11th grader me couldn't gather the courage to do so.The very thought of how easily we disrespect and look down at people serving us almost made me cry.

Speeding and at times toying with safety, delivery boys put in so much, just so that we get that pizza in half-an-hour or at least ASAP. 

Is their life worth a meagre salary of about 10K ?

Yet we hold no regard.

Ever since. I've made a point to thank and smile at every waiter/delivery boy, even if the food is bad, because you can never really blame him for the food. Though tipping is beyond my means for now, I'd recommend you to do so.

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Bye for Know,


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Sunday, April 21, 2019

How To Remove Negative Energy from Your House And Get Blessed From Everywhere

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Hey Everyone!,

Drive Negative Energy from  Your House@.. With Lemon And Clove And Get Blessed  From Everywhere

  Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

We all want our house to always be clean, it’s our place of rest, shelter, protection and where we can live in peace. Of course, we can’t have it dirty. Be it dirt from the ground, dust and trash, or dirty from negative energy.

There’s a simple way of getting rid of all the negative energy in our home with Lemons and cloves!!
We mustn’t forget that everything is energy, good or bad, and everything emits its own energy which can be transmitted to other people. We also can’t forget that there are people who can feel some kind of envy or resentment against us and that can attract negative energy. This way, we can start feeling depressed, anxious or upset; we can fill our own home with negative feelings and energies and here is the way to cleanse it with lemon and cloves!!
The first thing we need to do is open all the doors and windows and take a clove incense stick. Light it and spread its smoke throughout all of the rooms in the house. Finally, let it burn in the room we spend the most time in.
Now, take the lemons. We should have half the number of rooms (if our house has 4 rooms, including dining and lounge rooms, we take 2 lemons). Cut the lemons in half and stick several cloves into them, always more than 3 and an odd number of cloves. Put one in each room and wait.
The best thing is for, after 7 days, nothing to happen to the lemon. Maybe it dries and that means your house is cleaned. When it dries, take it far away from the house and repeat the process. There may be other situations which mean something is wrong:
  • If the lemon turns a coffee color it’s because you’ve attracted a lot of negative energy.
  • If the lemon turns green or goes moldy, it means somebody wants to make trouble or put a curse on you.
  • If the lemon turns a coffee color as well as green or moldy, it means you already have a curse on you and it’s bringing a lot of negative energy.
  • But if the lemon turns black it means you’re being affected by a curse put on you and a deep evil is troubling you.
The important thing is to have our house always clean for us to be able to feel protected, #safe, and at peace.

Hope you enjoy reading this;)

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Bye for Know


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Saturday, April 13, 2019

How To Deal With People Not Listening At Work Place

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  Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Since Communication is the essence of a long run relationship make sure it is a two way process at the work place.

Get to the point

In today's fast-paced world, everyone has targets and deadlines and is always in a rush. So instead of wasting time in pleasanteries and mindless banter, simply talk briefly to the point. People are much likely to take you and your word seriously if they feel you aren't meant to be taken for granted. Offer genuine suggestions, otherwise your word will be missed even if there is something urgent.

Be eccentric and vivacious

Is it your lacklustre approach to a problem or lack of energy in channelizing the employees in that you are being ignored?. The psychologists have proven that if you are enthusiastic in communicating, there is a remote chance your suggestions will be missed.

Strategy reversal

Stop telling, start asking and discussing ideas.Exchange a meaningful conversation maintaining a constant eye contact and nod your head to show your presence.

Understand the listener's aptitude and IQ

You have to explain/talk by keeping in mind the listener's aptitude and attitude.You ought to consider the language, speed and level of communication which the other person can comprehend.

Is it the right time?

Always ensure that you speak at the right time. Seek permission from from the listener if it is the rivht time to talk. There is no point explaining the concept if the other is too preoccupied to take your words.

Hope you enjoy reading this;)

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Bye for Know,


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