Sunday, March 31, 2019

Stop chasing happiness

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Hey Everyone!,

Stop Chasing Happiness

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

 Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

An old man lived in the village.The whole village was tired of him;he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always in a bad mood.The longer he lived, the viler he became and more poisonous were his words.People did their best to avoid him because his misfortune was contagious.He created the feeling of unhappiness in others.But one day,when he turned eighty,an incredible thing happened.Instantly everyone started hearing the umor:‘The old man is happy today, he doesn’t complain about anything, smiles, and even his face is freshened up.’

The whole village gathered around the man and asked him,

“What happened to you?”

The old man replied, 

‘Nothing special. 

Eighty years I’ve been chasing happiness and it was useless. And then I decided to live without happiness and just enjoy life.

That’s why I’m happy now.'”

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Bye for Know,


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Happiness, Chasing, Stop, Psychology, Self, Life, Lessons

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Our Success-Depends On Us And We Are Dependent On Time

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Hey Everyone!,


Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock
Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

We have all been gifted 24 hours in a day, yet people like Einstein, M.K. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Margaret Thatcher, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates never complained about the paucity of time. They were able to accomplish huge tasks of global importance within the same time allotted to mortals like us. This is because apart from their leadership skills they had attained mastery over time by revering/valuing it.

Even in the workplace, there are people who excel at time management whereas others while it away. No prizes for guessing who gets promoted and who is laid off!
Here are a few time management hacks to see you sail through office life and get the attention of your bosses. They will also enhance your image in front of your peers, not to mention help get your job done promptly and efficiently!

 Get your clothes ready the night before
 This prevents the mad rush at     home in the morning.

   Wake up early

   It sets the tone for the rest     of the day and helps you to     accomplish more.

 Spend 20–30 minutes planning your day first thing in the morning in the office.

Don’t keep a to-do-list in your head. Write it down. Make this to-do list in the order of urgency and go on to complete it. Delineate a time limit to complete a task.

Get the little things done immediately 

this sets the tempo for the day’s productivity. However, if an important and difficult project crops up, tackle it first.

Accomplish large projects by breaking them into smaller tasks.

Avoid multitasking

You may think you are attending to 10 things at once but actually, you are leaving all tasks in different stages of completion.
Declutter and organize your desk and files

A clean workspace makes for clear and sharp thinking.
Learn to say no when others infringe on your work time and try to dump other projects on you which can hamper your own personal deadlines.

Set boundaries on accessibility while you are working on a project with deadlines. Make it clear that you are not to be disturbed when working.

Do something fruitful while waiting for clients (read a book which imparts knowledge or listen to motivational clips)

Know thy software. If you work on a particular software, know the rudiments for free by going to and looking up tutorials for it. Knowing the basics of a software prevents you from being dependent on other people’s time and makes you faster and self-sufficient.

Learn keyboard shortcuts as they will save you time.

Use Google calendar for email reminders.

Automate repetitive tasks. If there are the same customer queries about how to order a product via email etc., make a standard ‘reply ‘ template and save it. Email it every time a request comes.

Eliminate distractions like constant pings from WhatsApp (keep it on mute), frequently checking your FB or email accounts. Delegate a particular time for this during a slack hour.

Take a short power nap after lunch to rejuvenate yourself. It provides a burst of alertness and you wouldn’t need artificial stimulants like coffee to pep you up.

If something can be done 80% as well by someone else, delegate it to that person. Learn to make use of other people’s talent.

Unsubscribe from useless emails. The time spent on deleting them every time will be saved.

Check out life hacks from 
to get work done faster at the office or at home. They will simplify your life and give you time to do more.

Inculcate the habit of reading
be it print books, e-books or Kindle subscriptions. The experiences of people from the corporate world and their biographies will help you zero in on the practical life-habits they subscribe to and will help you better yourself   

Hope these time-saving hacks help you work efficiently at your workplace. Go on – try them and help build that new and confident you! Be the best employee of your office…ever!!!

Hope you enjoyed reading this;)

Do you agree? Please Share your thoughts in the comments below as I learn just as much from you as you do from me"!.

Bye for Know,


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Success,Time Management ,Self ,Development ,Personal ,Psychology, Optimize

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Friday, March 8, 2019

How is creativity different from intelligence?

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Hey Everyone!,

How is creativity different from intelligence?

Creativity is in itself a massive form of intelligence.

  Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

Being intelligent is about picking up things. It is about having an intricate understanding. It is application of whatever that constitutes your intellect. It is expressing it out—be it by solving a tricky problem, or reaching compromises, or giving valid arguments, or being good at negotiation, getting along well with people, embracing change and diversity, or it can be about expressing your thoughts in the right way-by way of the right art—dancing, writing, drawing.

It is about adaptation. It is knowing what to do, how to do, and when to do.

Intelligence is really about having a mind that understands and comprehends different situations meticulously. A mind which can practice analysis, synthesis. A mind which can appreciate breakthroughs. A mind that plans well, has ideas, articulates it in the right way and communicates it to the right audience.
Intelligence has a plethora of facets and ways in which it can be practiced.

Creativity is one such beautiful way of it.
  Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

A creative mind has the ability to create. To reproduce. Thoughts. Stories. Ideas. Fantasies. It is new. It is coming up with something of your own and original.

   Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

It involves application of your mind’s intelligence and wisdom. It innovates and inspires. It is about being inquisitive.

  Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

  Photo:Sameer/ AdobeStock

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Creativity,  Intelligence, Different,  Self, Improvement,leadership, development, Personal, Entrepreneur

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